✨chapter 9✨

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Yeji currently was waiting for the maknae to get home. She wait in the living room until someone ring the doorbell...

Yeji get up from the couch and went to open the front door revealing Yuna with her small camera...

"where did you go Yuna? You make me worried... "Yeji said out her hand on her waist...

"mianhe unnie. I was with y/n..."Yuna said make Yeji eyes widened up...

"y-y/n?!..."she ask and Yuna nod...

"where is he?!..."she ask and Yuna point at the front gate...

Yeji push Yuna aside and try to catch up with y/n and she make it as y/n still there playing with his phone...

"urm y-y/n..."she call him stuttered brushing her hand...

Y/n turn to look at her but then he expressions change as he recognized the one who call him...

He start to walk away but Yeji stop him by holding tight on his wrist...

"let go of me... "y/n said try to release Yeji grip but she tighten the grip...

"I won't let you go y/n. Stop ignoring me like we don't know each other... "Yeji said and y/n turn to look at her...

"did you? I don't I know who you are..."y/n said emotionless and let go of his hand harshly...

He walk away leaving Yeji behind until a words came out from Yeji mouth instantly make him stop...

"11 years ago... "Yeji said and y/n stop walking...

"a kid desperately looking for a help. He was injured badly and almost die but someone manage to heard him calling for a help... "she said and slowly walk to y/n direction...

"and that someone turn out to be me. I felt pity for that kid,so I decide to bring the kid home and ask my parents if they can bring him to hospital. At first they denied my request but I beg them because that kid is seriously doesn't look so good and I want people to take this an inspiration so there's more people who can help those who needs help. They agreed and get the kid a full treatment even the cost was expensive. After he wake up, he try to remember what happened and he remembered that he actually run away from orphanage. He told me that he try to live by surviving by himself but he said he had to steal some food and clothes because he really don't have any money left. I told my my parents that I want to adopt him and they agreed. I take care of him like my real little brother. I fed him every time whenever we have a breakfast, lunch or dinner. I love him so much because I really want a little brother until one day, my mistake that I left him alone until his guardian from the orphanage catch him back and bring him home. We tried any way to search for him and it takes time almost 5 months until we managed to find and thought he was there. My parents wanted to adopt him but there's already another family adopt him. And that was the last time I see him but after years, I found him again... "she said and turn y/n to see her...

"I bump with him again at this one restaurant. At first, I don't recognize him at all because as I know that kid was really polite and humble person but it different from what I see because that kid is super cold. He didn't gave a chance to apologize and just left me like that. The next day, I went to this one cafe with my friends and found him again but I was shock that he use stick to walk because his right leg was cast. I didn't know that I actually make his knee broke and also at the same time, there's a group name Red Velvet there. They pick him to tell about his life story. At first he insisted to tell his story but after his friend persuade him, he tell his story and actually didn't thought that was him until me and him met each other again. He apologized for being rude to me but I tell him that it's okay. After one month, I met with him again and that's where I know that he actually do a dance cover on street. I often to met him and each day me and him hangout, we both getting closer and that's where I know that he was the kid from the past after he tell me the real story of his life. He tell me how hard his life after he left the orphanage and now I want you to tell me truth y/n..."she said lift y/n chin to see her...

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