✨chapter 13✨

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Yeji Pov

"she tolds me that they had too. If they don't abandon me to that orphanage, I could probably have died getting kill by those gangster. They said those gangster are looking for me as a threat to my parents. The reason is because my parents make a loans with those gangster and I don't know what they did with that money. I don't know if I should believe or not, or forgive them... It's all just went too far for me... "he said sighing and I rest his head on my chest...

"but now you know the truth why they did abandoned you in the first place. You should forgive them and I think what your parent did to you is good. I'm not saying abandon you is right but they did that because they wanted to save you. Listen to me, okay?... "I ask cupping his cheek and he just sigh...

"*/sigh/ okay... I'll try... "he said and I hug him...

"you have too. Although you might still cannot forgive what they did to you but I'm pretty sure they do that for your own sake... "I said and he look at me...

"can I ask you something?... "he ask and I nod...

"what will you do if I said that I'm actually dying?... "he ask got me shock...

"what are you saying?! Hey don't say like that!... "I ask worried and he just chuckled at me...

"I'm joking around noona... "he said and I sigh in relief...

"don't joke about that. I don't like to heard you talking about 'dying' or 'death'... "I said and suddenly he cup my cheek as he stared into my eyes...

OOF, what is this tense feelings? Why he did this out of sudden?...

He slowly pull my head and connect our both lips together. Oh my...he never wanted to kiss me before...at least I'm the one who need to kiss him first...

The warmness of his hot breath make the kiss become more passionate than it can. I have to admit that I'm actually gonna turn me on for real if he keep with this kind of kissing style...

After some good minutes of kissing, he broke the kiss and smile at me...

"noona, I want you to know that every moment that you spend for me, I really appreciate it. Although sometimes I have trouble you so many times, believe me I never meant to trouble you. Maybe because I'm still a 16 years old teenagers who just not mature enough for someone like you. Meh... "he said make me sigh...

"y/n, you never got me trouble. I'm okay with it. I know you still growing up and if it what needs to do just to be with you, then I'm willing to sacrifice my everything just for you... "I said hugging him and he hug me back...

"I love you, Yeji noona... Thank you for everything you did to me... Just thank you... "he said tighten the hug...

"awe~you don't have to thank me, cutiepie. You know you deserve better. I just wanted to make you happy. As much as you love me, I also do love you, y/n...for forever and always... "I said express my feelings and pat his back...

Having him inside my life already make me feels happy even though sometimes he such a trouble little creatures lol but still, he will remain forever the one who I love the most beside my family...

Son Y/n, I hope our relationships goes well till the end of our life...

5 months later...

Author Pov

Everything went so well for Itzy as their getting popular and noticed by the world. They known as the fastest girlgroup that reach 100 million view for their debut song call Dalla Dalla. They been to another country for shooting a CF, attending a red carpet of big show and getting themselves a new comeback. While that, relationship between y/n and Yeji grown more than before. Yeji always met with y/n if she had any free time she could have. Although y/n always tell her it's okay not to met with him because he worried that Yeji might get herself overworked and not resting just because to see him but Yeji insist and always said that she's fine and not tired as long she can get to met with him already throw away her tiredness. Y/n glad that he got someone who really care about himself even he knows that Yeji deserve someone much better than him because little thing that Yeji don't know is that y/n hiding a secret that he been hold for years. The reason is y/n is not willing to tell Yeji about his secret until one day, when y/n practicing along with his friends at the dance studio, he collapsed while dancing and his friends start to panic as they don't know what happened...

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