✨chapter 12✨

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"w-what did you say y/n?..."Yeji ask y/n shocking and y/n just laugh...

"HAHAHAHAHJHAJA....don't you heard ME?!!! w-WendY sUnBAe iS mAIIII SISTER!!! MY OWN BLOOD!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!... "y/n said drunkly and fainted...

Yeji was left shocking while y/n fainted inside her hug. Later, someone open the front door and it was Yuna...

"omo! What's happening to y/n?! Why he smells like an alcohol?... "Yuna ask shocking closing her mouth...

"explain later. Let's get him inside first... "Yeji said hurriedly and Yuna nod...





















"10 BOTTLES? HOLY SHET HE WANNA KILL HIMSELF?!!... "the rest member ask shockingly and Yeji nod sighing...

Currently all of them gather in the living room watching y/n who still unconscious on the couch...

"I can't believe that the owner let a minor like y/n drinks alcohol... "Ryujin said but Yeji shook her head...

"well, you can tell by looking at y/n. His literally look like an adult even he just 16 years old. Maybe the owner thought him 20 or something. */sigh/ I know something is not right when I leave him last night to prepare for our debut showcase. I shouldn't have done that..."Yeji said looking at y/n and cares his head...

"Yeji, I know how you feel but don't blame yourself because of y/n. We need to debut and that's what all of us been waiting for. Otherwise, this is y/n himself fault for drinking alcohol..."Lia said crossing her arms make Yeji scoff...

"why you said like it was all y/n fault, Lia?... "she ask and Lia raise her eyebrows...

"well, I literally can predict that if it wasn't because of him, you wouldn't have come home and none of us gonna debut. Tell me Yeji, are you gonna ignore us for y/n? Forgetting about debut and all those trainee days because of y/n? If he told you to retire,than will you do it? I bet you will. Just because of y/n, you ignored us who's have been with you for a long time... "Lia said a bit aggressive which make Yeji felt shock...

Somehow, Yeji think back about all her actions because of y/n. She knows that she had a friend who's also been with her for the rest of his trainee days but when it comes to y/n, she feels divide. Her heart doesn't know how to handle two things at one time...

"I know I can't manage time well with you guys and with y/n but I can't bear to look at y/n be like this. Blaming himself for everything that happened to his life. Ever since I found him on that road, naked without a single clothes cover him bleeding body. I just can't... "Yeji said got Lia confused...

"road? Naked? What are you talking about?... "Lia ask and Yeji look at her hopelessly...

Yeji look back at y/n and shed a tears with a smile. She held his cold hand and gently cares it...

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