✨chapter 11✨

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After y/n and Yeji had their lunch, they take a walk inside a mall. While both them walking, suddenly y/n stop in front of this one shop...

"what's wrong?..."Yeji ask turning back to see y/n...

Y/n was looking at a toy shop and something caught his attention. He walk to the in front of the shop window and look at a toys...

"you wanna buy something?... "Yeji ask and y/n nod...

"I wanna buy a Gundam because I love it so much but I don't have enough money to buy... */sigh/ next time... "y/n said sighing and walk away...

Yeji smile and held his hand prevent y/n from walking away. He look at Yeji confused and she pull him to follow her inside the toys shop...

"noona, why you bring me here?... "y/n ask and Yeji cross her arms...

"you love Gundam?..."she ask and he nodded...

"then choose... "she said make y/n shock...

"What?! No! You don't have to buy it for me!... "he said but Yeji shook her head...

"nope. You pick one, I'll buy it for you. I know you like it. Come on, I'm your girlfriend, if I wanna treat you something, I'll buy anything for you... "she said make y/n sigh...

"okay... "he said sighing and Yeji giggles at him...

Y/n walk lazily to Gundam section and pick one box of Gundam. He bring it to Yeji and show at her...

"here... "he said showing his Gundam make Yeji curious...

"OOF! That looks pricey... "Yeji said make y/n frown a smile...

"then why you tell me that you wanted to buy it for me?..."he ask dissapointed but Yeji just laugh at him...

"I'm joking!!! Hahahahaha!..."she said laughing make y/n facepalm...

"oyo~ what a cutie... "she said pinching y/n cheek...

Y/n chuckle and they both went to pay for the Gundam. After both them left the toys store, they both went to playground nearby since y/n said that he want to play with the Gundam...

While y/n put up together the Gundam together, Yeji take her chance and capture a photo of y/n with his Gundam...

"kiyowo... "she said as she look at y/n photo...

She went to hug y/n neck and kiss his cheek...

"what are you doing?~..."she ask cutely and y/n show to her half done Gundam...

"my Gundam..."he said smiling and continue to finish his Gundam...

"awe~! So cute... "Yeji said pinching his cheek...

"noona, thank you for buying me this. I really appreciated it... "y/n said turning back to look at her...

"as long you feel happy. I don't want to always feel sad and insecure every time. I want you to know that you can relay on me if you need help or anything. We can fight this together, okay?!..."she said and y/n nod smiling...

"sometimes I think that I'm being too much harsh with you, not respecting you as the eldest but you gave me a new hope of changing myself to better. Thank you again Yeji noona... "he said and hug Yeji...

Yeji lay his back and cares his hair...

"y/n, I really want to heard you sing a song for me because you never sing any song for me... "she ask and y/n think for awhile...

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