✨chapter 24✨

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Yeji Pov

Today I'm going to visit y/n again! Yeay! Yea I know sounded so excited because you know what? Because he's mine now! I accept him back and I think that's the best to save everything back. I think I'll need to buy his favorite toy and foods for him. Let's go!...

First, I went to Japanese toy shop since it got y/n favourite toys there which is Gundam. I kinda lost because there just too many of em to choose but I must choose wisely which gonna be y/n favorite so I went to the cashier and ask the best and most favorite Gundam people voted for. Later, the cashier lead me to this another room which is look more luxuries than other Gundam which the cashier said all Gundam inside this room is Perfect Grade which is the most solid, fulls with extra parts, original design and fun build Gundam ever made by the original makers...

I ask if he can suggest me the most popular one so he bought me this one massive box of Gundam called Unicorn Gundam??? I don't know but I think I've seen this Gundam somewhere on internet. The cashier said it have two forms which is of course the unicorn one and destroy mode that can shine a light red colour when it changed. I look at the price and it might be expensive a little but everything for my love...

Finish buying the Gundam, I went to find a snack shop where they sold churros. The reason is before this, I bought some churros for y/n and he really like it especially when the churros itself comes with chocolate dip. So, gonna buy some!...

30 minutes later...

Just arrived in front of the hospital where y/n were hospitalized. I went inside the hospital as I went straight to his ward. Found his room, I peek from the front door glass and found y/n was watching a television show. I knock on the door and he notice me with a tiny wave. I open the door and come inside along with the stuff I buy for him...

"how's your day?... "I ask and seat beside him on his bed...

"boring... I don't really know what to do other than watching television. You?... "he said and I nod understand...

"hmm, busy with works and works and probably next month will be the starting of my group for a tour... "I said and he nodded...

"here... "I handed him the Gundam that I buy...

As he look inside the plastic bag, his eyes quickly became so big...

"noona, this is Unicorn Gundam! A-and it's a P-perfect Grade!... "he said shockingly and I pat his head...

"I know you like Gundam so you'll love this too since it's the most recommend one by the shop itself... "I said but then he sigh...

"noona, this is very expensive... I don't w-"before he could finish his word, I close his mouth with hand...

"shhhhhhh! Don't say anything about it. Just take the Gundam and consider it as a gift from your girlfriend, no sighing and feel blamed okay?... "I said and he nodded...

"I promise I'll pay you back when I've money... "he said but I shook my head as I went to hug his neck...

"you don't have too, okay? I just wanted to make you happy. Okay? If you love me, then nod for me... "I ask and he nod cutely...

UwU, it's been awhile since he act cute to me. I mean, not most of the time since y/n didn't really like cute stuff but I guess he's fine now with the "cute" stuff...

"here, your favourite snack... "I said and handed him the churros that I bought earlier...

"uwaaaa! Churros!... "he said happily and take a bite from the churros...

"no churros for noona?... "I ask pouting but then, he grab one churros and bite it...

"eat it... "he said make me confused for a while...

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