✨Chapter 2✨

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Y/n Pov

I don't have anywhere else to go so I just went back to sauna. Member try to call me but I ignored the calls and turn off my phone. I take some hot oil and scrub my right things and knee...

"is she blind or what? "I mumbled and suddenly remember Junho said something to me earlier...

"stop being cold!!!..."his voice echoed insidey head...

I will not get cold if she not get on my way like seriously?...

I closed the light and sleep. I don't know what to do. I'm just getting stressed and tired if I'm mad...

The next day...

I wake up and stretches my freaking cracking body. I ruffles my hair and tied it to bun since my hair was really long at shoulder height. I took a glance on my scar that I have since ever I was born on my left forehead. It, looks like a Taurus zodiac sign...

"stupid scar... "I curse at my scar and wear my sauna clothes. I walk out from my private room and do some exercise...

"is that Y/n?"I heard someone mentioned my name...

"let's ask him for a picture!!! "the voice said and I can feel like a group of girls are walking towards me...

"annyeonghaseyo!!! "about a group of girls greet me and I nicely greet them back...

"ah annyeong!!! "I greet them fixing my speck...

"c-can we take pictures with you if you don't mind? "on of them ask handed their phone to me...

I nod and take the phone. I took a selfie with them about 10 pictures...

"oppa, you don't want to join Produce 101?"one of them ask me...

"ah no. I'm not into of joining that competition... "I said and they all nodded at each other...

"oppa, if you have no place to stay, you can come to our house... "one of them offer me and I just shook my head...

"I will be fine..... Thank you for you guys concerned... "I said bowing at them and they did the same...

As they left after take some selfie with me, I walk to bathroom and have a bath and change my clothes. I just wear normal casual clothes. As I left the sauna, I can spot Yuri waiting in front the road...

"what are you doing here? "I ask tap his shoulder...

"hyungnim!!! Why you didn't pick up our call last night?! We all so worry about you!!! Yuri ask concern about me...

"sorry kid. Not in mood last night. Anyway why are you here? "I ask him...

"emm I don't know. I came here because others tell me to check on you... "Yuri said and I nod nonchalantly...

"well said. I will go now... "I said pick up my luggage...

"where do you want to go hyung? You, don't have a place to stay right? "he ask and I just scratched my nape...

"cmon let's stay at my house... "he said take my luggage away from me...

I try to move but my right knee is hurting me as hell. Shit....

"you okay hyung? "Yuri ask help me stand...

"I'm fine... "I said caressing my leg...

"come on. Let's go to clinic and check if it was okay or not... "Yuri said invited me...

"I can walk like normal duhhhhh... "I said annoyed and try to walk but the pain keep sting on my right knee...

It because that girl hit me ACCIDENTALLY and my right knee land first on the ground and of course it hurts like hell...

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