✨Chapter 1✨

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Author Pov

The first day of October in 2018. As always, y/n will get up every 6 in the morning and get himself a proper healthy breakfast and a clean bath. Before and after he done breakfast and bathing, he read a newspaper while looking for a place to stay...

"hmm, everything seems expensive though. I don't have enough pocket money to rent any small house... "y/n said and shook his head...

It's been 3 months since he rent on this one old flat. Every month the owner will come to collect the pay rent but this time, y/n can't afford for 3 months as he less on money...

"shit shit shit. I gotta move anyway. Maybe sauna is better than here..../sigh/..."he said gruffly and get up from his seat...

He walk lazylike to his room and pack up all his stuff and clothes into his backpack and luggage. He left the room and pick up the house key and lock it as he left the flat house...

"I'm gonna miss this place.....even for 3 months only... "he said and walk away...

He left the key and last pay period at the bodyguard office and walk away...

Few minutes later...

Y/n Pov

I pick up my phone as someone call me. It was my friend...

"hey Y/n,where are you? Thought of you will be joining this night dinner with us? "my friends name Sewon tell me...

I take a look at my wallet and only find 10000₩. Shoot. I only have this to survive the whole day...

"I guess I couldn't make it up this night. You know I'm out of money... "I said and hear Sewon sigh...

"it's on my treat y/n. Cmon y/n,everytime I try to ask you to go dinner with our friends you will always refused even it's our treat. Cmon bro, just this night okay? "he said with begging tone and I just sigh...

"okay. You know where to pick up me... "I said and he's humming...

"see you this night y/n..."Sewon said and I ended the call...

I smile at my phone and open my instagram. There's a lot of notifications I haven't read tho...

I scroll down the page and found my fanpage with a picture of me being captured while bring my luggage together. I guess it was early this morning someone take my picture and a lots of fan talking about me...

"is y/n moving out again from his flat?"

"bet he will stay at sauna"

"awww poor him. He must be all alone right? "

"if only he knew that we are really care about him, I bet he will proud of us"

I sigh and close my phone. I can't believe that actually I have a fan even I'm not an idol neither trainee but because I do dance cover at street, I became quiet famous along with my friends...

Well stop talking bullshit, my name is Son Y/n. Currently I'm 15 years old and I'm a male. I studied at Hanlim Highschool. I don't have a place to stay as I always move out to place to another places. The reason is because ever since I was born, I never knew my parents. Even bad, they already died. My foster guardian at orphanage tell me that both my parents were dead without knowing what cause it but as I know, I already accept the fate that they are no more alive. Sometimes jealousy caught me when it come to meet and greet students with their parents at school. I always skip that day and just stay at sauna. I start to discover dancing as a hobby and job when I was 13. First I joined the school dance team and went to compete with other school. Not so lucky we only get 3rd place because of our own member mistake. After all, I start to like dancing and what I just do is cover a K-pop group dance. I just dance and dance with all my might until I end up dancing on street. I start to gain my popularity when there's a lot of people start recording my dance and viral it on social media. I start to gain bit by bit popularity on school and so out from school. Most fun part is where there's people who like to take pictures with me even I don't know them. Meh, even I look nice in front them but I still have my own business that they shouldn't have interfere and become busybody. I start to get angry when they always ask about my family even they still don't know the reason what is actually happened to me when I was born. Skip all that shit, I gotta prepare for dinner with my dance member...

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