✨chapter 20✨

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Ryujin Pov

Currently I was reading a novel called 'Midnight Wish' from Wattpad. Well, it's still undergoing story but so far, it was good book to read. I recommend to y'all to read... I mean, it's not wrong for me to break the 4th wall, right?....( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

While enjoying the book, suddenly I got a call from unknown number...

"Hello?... "

"hello. Is this Ryujin? I'm Yeeun from CLC... "

"oh my! Annyeonghaseyo sunbaenim! What makes you call me???... "

"I know this sounded so rush but right now, I just saw that y/n bump into Yeji and Yeonjun while me and y/n went to take a walk but then, y/n suddenly collapsed and Yeji notice his situation. Right now, Yeji and Yeonjun already left with y/n to nearby hospital... I think you guys also know about his secret... "

"wWhAt?!?!?! Really??? I mean, how do you know y/n and how all of this can be happen?!?!... "

"no time for me to explain what actually happened. I think soon or later, Yeji will find out the truth. If there any chances that maybe you still can think to stop from the truth being reveled?... "

"i-i don't know but right now, all I can think now is that maybe we must arrive at the hospital first. Did you see which logo the ambulance from?... "

"I think I see it. It was Taesan logo... Yes, it's from Taesan hospital!... "

"okay sunbaenim. Thank you for the information. We'll be there as fast as we could before Yeji unnie arrive first... "

"alright. I'll see you there... "

I end my call with Yeeun sunbaenim and quickly inform others about the situation and quickly call our manager to drove us to Taesan hospital...

15 minutes later...

As me and the rest arrive at the Taesan hospital, we all leave the van and went inside the hospital and ask the nurse at the counter for y/n name...

"is there any patients name y/n arrive today?... "I ask in hurried and the nurse check for y/n name at the hospital patient name list...

"yes there is. Like 5 minutes ago... "the nurse said got me shock...

"really?!? C-can I know where he being escort to????... "I ask and the nurse went to search for y/n room...

"West Building at level 5, ICU ward... "the nurse said and I thanks her for the information...

"so, where?... "Lia unnie ask and I point at the other side of building...

"that building. We gotta go now. They arrive a bit earlier than us... "I said and move with them to find y/n ward...

After running and running through the busy day, finally we made it but the view that I see actually is not a good sign...

I see Yeji unnie was talking to a doctor with Yeonjun oppa beside her. The conversation look serious but then, Yeji unnie face expression changed. From serious look change to shock expression. Later, she fall on her both knee and tears start to fall from her both cheeks...

Yeji Pov

"eventually, y/n has been here several time for his tumor check up. He been doing the treatment for the tumor that live inside his head. I told him to do a surgery but he insists. I know that he had a a money issue and we try to ask if he got any relatives that close to him that maybe can help with the payment of the surgery but he just said that he's already all alone from the start. */sigh/ As a doctor, I also felt pity toward his condition. He been hold onto his tumor for a really long time but yet, he's a strong kid so far because he still survive till this day. For now, he's really on bad shape because the tumor has infect some part of his body such as the arms, neck,his ears and the waist. It's also damaging his bone strength and cells if the more longer we delay the surgery. Maybe if you can help to find any of his relatives or maybe a donation, maybe we still can save him. For now, that's all I have to tell. I'll tell more about his status in the future. I'll take my leave so excuse me... "

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