✨chapter 10✨

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As the new day come, y/n for the first time wake up from his sleep happily. He look at his side there's no Khal was found...

He get up from his bed and left his room. As he get downstairs, he found another 4 of his roommate was having breakfast...

"hyung, come join us... "Khal invited him and y/n walk towards to the dining table...

He sat beside Khal and he can feel someone is staring at him sharply as it from Jaehwan...

"what the hell are you looking at?..." y/n ask coldly...

"do you have to talk in that tone?!... "Jaehwan ask but then Seunggi interrupt...

"dearest hyung, shut your mouth and eat, can you?... "he said make both y/n and Jaehwan shut their mouth...

All of them went to eat their breakfast in silence until someone ring the bell of their dorm...

Saint get up from his chair to open the front door...

"oh hello there. Can I see y/n?..."a girl ask for y/n...

"y/n hyung, someone want to see you... "Saint said and y/n get up from his chair...

He walk to the front door and slowly look at the person...

"Yeji noona? What are you doing here?

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"Yeji noona? What are you doing here?... "y/n ask and Yeji show at outside...

"let's go for a walk... "she said and y/n look at Saint...

Saint just stand there clueless while y/n chuckled at him...

"can you wait for awhile? I haven't shower yet... "y/n ask her and she nodded...

After 15 minutes of waiting, finally y/n get ready and met with Yeji in front of his dorm...

"so, where are we going?... "y/n ask and Yeji point at her lips...

"okayyyy... Dahek you want?... "y/n ask making a cringe face...

"Dahek what? Here, where's my morning kiss?..."she ask point at her lips make y/n roll his eyes...

"nope..."y/n said cross his arms...

Yeji smile turn to frown. She walk away leaving y/n clueless...

"tchh... He's mean. Don't worry Yeji, he will come and beg you to stop walking away... "Yeji thought and smirk...

She still walk away but no sign of y/n calling for her. She sigh and turn back but y/n already there behind her...

"you really need that morning kiss?... "he ask and Yeji shyly nod...

''well after me and member debut, we barely will get to see each other again. I can't see you and spent time with you and do this kissing stuff with you. Are you gonna be okay with that? For me, I'm totally not fine... "she said and y/n chuckle...

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