✨chapter 19✨

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Y/n Pov

"so, how long have it been? 3 years right since met with each other right?... "Yujin ask me and I nod...

Currently me and Yujin are sitting together at the upper level of the cafe where me and Yeeun noona went to while Yeeun noona herself are having her time chatting with other IZ*ONE member...

"yeah... I guess so... "I said and she punch me on the arm lightly...

"you mean... You didn't even told me that you drop out from school... "she said pouting and I could only chuckle at her...

"mianhe... It wasn't my attention to be honest... I thought you already forgot about me... "I said but then she turn to look at me...

"how could I? We have history... "she said and slowly reach for my hand...

Talking about history, this is the part where I tried to avoid from Yeji noona to know about this. I lied to her about my first kiss... It wasn't her to be true but eventually, it was Yujin...


It was a rainy day. I was walking in a rain, heading back to my dorm without care the heavy rain hitting my body...

It just another dissapointed day. I fail my exam. For almost all of the subject. I just don't know how to deal it plus with my tumor. It just so hard for me...

I could have just end up my life in any way I could but, there's someone who I still wanna see and took care till this day...

The girl might not wanted to see me again... Maybe even she'll hate me if she see me again. I'm such a troublesome to her...

The rain didn't stop instead getting more heavier than I could thought. I desperately try to look for a shelter and found an old bus stop. I rest there a little bit but when I was about to continue my journey, I feel so much cold. My head is swinging like a chaos and I can't even think straight on that time... Feels like soon I'll be pass out...

As I was about to collapse on the ground, suddenly someone catch me before I fall. My vision wasn't clear as rain dripping from that 'someone' hair. It was a girl... And I know her...

"Y-yujin... "I weakly call her name before I knew, I already pass out inside her hug...

2 days later, I woke up in a room that was pinkish red. My head is totally not fine as I feel the pain of my tumor that reacting but I gain courage and try to find my way out of the room. As I found my way out, I realized where could I been. It was a dorm...

Once again I almost collapsed but then a hand prevent me from falling, again. When I look at the hand, it was a girl hand. As I turn my back, it was Yujin...

"y/n, you shouldn't left the room. You still hurt... "she said sounded concern to me but I insist...

"I c-can't... I need to go home... "I said try to let go of her grip but I was way too weak. If only not because of the tumor inside my head that makes me weak...

"y/n, I know you have a tumor. I bring you to hospital for a check up and doctor confirms that you have a tumor... "she said make me shock...

I stay silent not replying her words and she help me walk to downstairs. She make me sit on the sofa and she sat beside me...

"you dying but you act like nothing happened. Why don't you tell me?... "she ask looking worried make me scoff...

"why would I told you? You're not my friend to care about me... "I said arrogantly and she cross her both arms...

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