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Yeji Pov

God I can't fall asleep. I think I need some night fresh air...

I crawl out from our tent and wear my slipper. Later, I put on my cardigan since night in this campsite is pretty cool and make my way to another area of this campsite...

As I walk near the forest which is said to be haunted, I stop. I don't believe in ghost but still I'm scared because who knows right if they will pop up out of sudden. I would have run for my life...

"Yeji, what are you doing here?... "

"y/n? What are you doing here?... "I ask as he approach me from other direction...

"... I can't sleep... so I decided to take a walk inside the forest... "

"wait, you did go inside the forest?... "I ask and he nod...

"but ain't the people here said that the forest is haunted??... "I ask again make him chuckle...

"I'm not scared of ghost, I don't even believe they exist... "he said and I nod understand...

"well said then. Are you going to somewhere else?... "I ask and he shook his head...

"not really... I just don't know how to get myself sleepy, that's why I just randomly walked all over this campsite... "

"oh. I guess you'll head back to your tent?... "I said but then he point at the boat behind me...

"there's a boat... "





















"the sky look so beautiful at night. Uwa~... "I said, admiring how beautiful the night sky is...

I don't even know how I ended up on this boat with y/n in the middle of this river...

"Yeji... can I ask you a question?... "he ask and I nod...

"how many times... I have hurt you?... "

"hurt me? What do you mean?... "I ask had him look down...

"to be honest, I started to remember everything about us. I remembered how we kept argue and made it again in our relationship... I remembered everything you had done to me... but... "

He started to remember me?!...

"I can't remember anything about you... about who are you eventually. I tried to remember but it hurts my head when I pushed myself to do that. I don't remember about you but I only remembered our moments together. I felt so much blamed after remembering to how I used to treated you in the past but, nothing gonna change even I remember you... you're belong to someone else... and that person is your first love... "

I could not say anything to him. My heart ache so much and it's crushing not because I'm mad at him for not remembering me who am I to him, I eventually felt blamed that he tried so hard to remember me that he had to hurt himself. I know how much he's hurting since past plus with him losing his close friend Yuri, I know he had cried so much that he can't even teared up anymore...

Midnight Wish //YEJI FF//Where stories live. Discover now