✨chapter 28✨

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January 1st 2021...

Yeji Pov

"guys, we should go out. It's new year tho... "said Yuna had me agree...

"Yuna is right. It's new year, we should at least had fun before our comeback... "I said and Lia nod agreeing to my words...

"no problem for me. How about the two of you?... "she ask both Ryujin and Chaeryeong and they just nod...

"better than nothing... "

"okay then. So, go get ready then... "I said and everyone went inside their room including me as we change our clothes...

Skip time...

All of us just arrived at our first stop which is the restaurant since we had nothing in the morning so we all decided, it's better to have our lunch before doing any activities...

"wah! They sell abalone porridge here!... "

"Yuna, we need to watch over our weight too. Don't eat too much... "

"araseo unnie~... "

I just laugh at Yuna pouting as Ryujin advice her. I mean, of course we can eat everything we wanted too but it's better for us to control our eating habit so we all can keep the ideal weight. It is tough? Yes it is but it worth it...

As we all walk inside the busy restaurant, we find a table for 5 person which is great for us. We had the table for ourselves and order our food and drink...

While we all look for what food and drink that we wanted to order, out of sudden I got a call from Yeonjun...

"guys, I gotta answer this call... "I said had all of them nod as I went out from the restaurant to answer the call...

"Yeonjunshi! Why you call?... "

"Happy New Year! I forgot to wish to you last night. Mianhe~... "

"it's okay, I don't mind. You must be busy preparing for new comeback, right?... "

"yeah~ I really miss you and wanting to met with you. Can we met if you had time?... "

"I'll tell you if I had free time but right now, I'm out with other members. We going out to have fun... "

"that's cool! but I'm jealous I can't do that with my members since we all had to prepare for new comeback huhu~... "

"after you finish promoting, you can hangout with the boys. Maybe they wanted the same thing too... "

"you right. I'll ask them about it. Anyway, I'm gonna hang up now, Yeji. I'm gonna miss your voice... "

"me too~... "

"if you had nothing to said, then bye love~... "

"bye bye love~... "

Haih that cute boy...

"Y-Yeji noona... "call a familiar voice had me turn back to look at the person...

"Yuri? What are you doing here? Why you look so pale and sweating a lot?... "I ask worry as I look at his condition...

"I...i-I'm okay... j-just tired... "

"are you sure? You look very tired and sick... "I said but then, he start to lose his balance and out of sudden collapse on the ground...

"Yuri! What's wrong Yuriya?! Wake up!... "I said shaking his body but he didn't react back as he knocked out. What should I do now?!...

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