Secret Sender || 56

202 7 0

[ - joshua hong - ]

Because of me staying by Sophia's house, we went to school together. Quiet early to be honest. Not that I mind anyways. And I can't complain since I'm living with her for the time being.

Sophia was sleeping in the car. I wonder if she was really sleeping last night. Earlier morning she seemed a bit stressed. I wonder what happened.

"I'll see you during lunch break Joshua" she waved at me

"A-alright" I waved back

I went to my class first. She seemed really tired so I'm guessing maybe she'll be sleeping for the time being. Well... At least THAT'S what I hope what she'll do.

She seemed really tired and honestly I'm worried.

Maybe I should check on her ?

Or I shouldn't ?

I mean there's no harm in it right ?

I just wanna make sure she's doing well that's all. Nothing more.

I went to her class, which is actually far from mine. I don't mind walking there anyways. She's in the same class as Seungkwan and Vernon if I am not mistaken

When I've arrived there, I peeked into the class. She was the only student in there. I think this is normal for her ? She really is a loner and isn't sociable

I tried to take a closer look and noticed that she's studying instead of resting. She was really focused on studying

Well... As expected for the top student huh ? Why have I never knew about her before ? I mean they've said she's quiet popular. Maybe because I didn't really care about about girls and all ?

Yeah I guess that's why.

I wanted to leave quietly, but I accidentally kicked something that sounded like a pencil.

Oh fuck--

"Who's there ?" Her soft voice called out. I could hear her getting up and walking timidly

I went up to the door

"It's just me" I said awkwardly

Well that went wrong

She let out a sigh of relief when she saw me.

I guess she was actually scared of staying alone in here. Maybe I should invite her yo stay at the cafeteria first.

Secret Sender • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now