First words

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Carol stood up "Does Anyone want a cup of coffee and some biscuits maybe?"

Pam smiles "I would love some Thank you! Also before I forget, Blaine has been having trouble breathing so we are gonna take him to the doctors. Could you pick Cooper up for us when you go get Finn?"

Burt nods "Yeah that's fine I hope Blaine is alright. I'm sure he will be he's a strong little guy."

Blake sighs "He'll be fine, Pam gets worried over nothing."

Pam looks at Blaine struggling to breathe "Not about this Blake he's not breathing properly you can see he's struggling. And of course I worry he's my baby."

Carol walks in gave Pam some coffee "Awww the poor thing he's probably in so much pain. I remember Finn before he got his inhaler he was only 3 he couldn't breathe probably I was a wreck. Anyway They finally said he had asthma maybe that's what Blaine has?"

Blake smiles "Yeah Maybe you see Pam, Finn turned out fine he plays football and lots of different sports he's a very energetic little kid!"

Pam rest her head on Blake's shoulder "I guess you're right but I hate seeing my baby in pain."

Blake kisses her head "I know so do I but like I sad he will be fine."

Blaine was really struggling to breath now so Kurt crawled up to him and hugged Blaine and said "Blaine."

Blaine hugged back and replied with "Kurt."

Carol got out her phone out her phone and took a picture "Aww they are each other's first words."

Pam nods "Yeah, Kurt is comforting Blaine while he's sick."

Burt grins "very cute! Don't you think it's funny how our kids are all really good friends just like us?"

Blake sighs "Yeah, we should get going or Blaine will be late fir his appointment."

Pam picks Blaine up "Come on baby let go see why you're in pain."

Blaine cries "Kurt"

Blake giggles "Is it ok if we take Kurt with us that's the only way he will stop crying?"

Carol trusted the Anderson's it's just she's never give her baby to someone else "Yeah sure Oh coop can stay here if he wants maybe bring him some stuff when you bring Kurt back?"

Pam nods "Yeah ok I'm sure Cooper will love that."

Blake picks up Kurt and Blaine looks at Kurt and stop crying "Kurt Kurt Kurt!"

Kurt smiles "Blaine."


Finn came through the door "Hi dad were's Kurt?"

Burt rolls his eyes "Do I not get a hug?"

Finn giggles and hugs him "Love you dad."

Burt nods "Love you too Bud. Anyway Kurt's gone with the Anderson's to see what's wrong with Blaine! I believe Cooper is staying over?"

Cooper came inside the house "Hi Burt are you ok?"

Burt knew Cooper was a very polite person and he has  always loved that about him "I'm fine do you boys want some snacks there is some in the fridge if you want?"

Cooper smiles "I would love some but only if you normally have them after school I don't want to be any trouble."

Burt pats cooper on the shoulder "Of course you can Finn eats when and wherever he wants I'm sure he'll share." Sometimes Cooper Worried him like he wanted to empress everyone and he was afraid of doing something that would make them upset. "Coop You got to stop acting all preppy school boy."

Burt suspicious grew when cooper replied "er.... yeah I know sorry. I'll see you at dinner Burt."

Finn got some snacks and went upstairs with Cooper.

(Later that day)

Pam knocked on the door "Hi he fell asleep. I'll bring clothes for cooper in the morning. Blaine does have asthma, he's alright now breathing normally."

Carol takes Kurt and the bag of Coopers clothes "Thank you and I'm glad Blaine is ok! And ok I'll let cooper know, See you tomorrow."

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