4th brithday had Unexpected turn

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A/N: Time skip Pam is a week over her due date

Pam sat on the couch uncomfortably, Blake hated seeing his wife like this.

Blake rubbed her back "Are you ok honey?"

Pam shook her head "She's being a little diva that doesn't want to come on time."

Blake giggles "She takes after her moma. Honey you can do this just stay relaxed she'll be here soon."

Pam nods "I sure hope so."

Blaine's 4th birthday:

Blaine woke up and went to wake up Blake and Pam. "Mommy Daddy it's my birthday!"

Blake woke up "Shhh Mommy hasn't slept that much lately so let her sleep. Happy birthday."

Blaine giggles "Thank you."
He whispers

Blaine opened the door to see Nick and Jeff standing at the door "Hi Nicky hi Jeffy."

They both came in and they went off to play.

A couple minutes later all his guest came and they played party games they talked laughed and they all got to know each other.

April 15th 5:18pm

Everyone had left apart from Kurt since he was sleeping over. Blake smiles at Kurt and Blaine snuggling on Blaine's bed watching a film.


Blake went to his and Pam's room "are you ok? Where are your clothes?"

Pam glared at him "Well I'm in labour and I got to hot."

Blake gasps "Pam how long have you been in labour for? why didn't you call me?"

Pam just let a contraction passed "an hour and it's Blaine's birthday I didn't want his day to be ruined."

Blake nods "ok well I'm gonna tell Kate to come here ok?"

Pam breaths "I've called her Cooper has been helping me you got to sort out Klaine."

Blake raised and eyebrow "Klaine?"

Pam giggles "It's their names put together just go."

7:00 15th of April

Pam looks down at her daughter "She's so beautiful. Oh my god she was born on the same day as her brother."

Blaine walks in "It's ok moma I don't mind we can have double cake now."

Pam smiles "She came to say happy birthday to you that's why she waited."

Blaine climbs up to the bed and kisses his sisters head "Happy birthday to you too sissy, Can I name her since she was born on my birthday?

Pam nods "Yeah."

Blaine claps his hands "Ok so I was thinking her first name can be Maddison and her middle name can be Rose."

Pam looked at Blaine in eyes hoping to see what was going on in his head but she couldn't. She kissed his head and looked back her baby girl

Blake was shocked at how perfect that name was he actually tears up.

Blaine frowns "Do you not like the name daddy?"

Blake shook his head "I love it, I am crying because of how perfect the name is for her."

Pam continues to look at her daughter "Yeah it fits her perfectly it's better then our name. We were gonna call her Jennifer May Anderson."

Blaine raised an eyebrow "Maddie you made the right choice being born on my birthday. Also no one else call her Maddie!"

Pam laughs "We won't but thank you for giving us this name it's per.."

Kurt walked in the room "Hi erm I've been waiting for Blaine to come back but he didn't. So I was wondering if I could meet her?"

Cooper pick Kurt up and put him on the bed.

They all spent the rest of the night kissing and showing Maddison some love.

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