Telling you everything

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T/W: talks about Sexual Assault

Blaine walks in to the living room "Burt could Kurt and I talk to you alone?"

Carol stood up "I will go for a walk you guys talk I will be back soon love you all bye."


Blaine took a deep breath "So this is about what happened at school today. So the kid James that is giving us a really hard time was the one that put him in the  Janitors closet. He also took his pants. Before James left he erm touched Kurt very inappropriately."

Burt eyes widened "Kurt is that what happened?"

Kurt just hugs his dad an cries "I'm sorry dad."

Burt hugs him tightly "Don't say sorry for this ever. I'm going to the police about this and I'm sending you to Dalton no buts."


The judge spoke "So Kurt Hummel you accused James Smith of sexual Assault I'm I correct?"

Kurt nods slowly "Yes that is correct your honour."

James gave him a death stare.

The court continued and Kurt was called up to the stand.

The lawyer spoke "So Mr Hummel Tell us what happened?"

Kurt closes his eyes "Ok he dragged me into the janitors closet and said that I would like it in there since it's where I like to stay."

The lawyer "and are you in the closet?"

Kurt sighs "Nope I've been out for 2 years."

The lawyer nods "Ok so is this where he did the Touching?"

Kurt frowns "Yeah I thought he was gonna leave but instead he shut the door and kicked me in the face so a became weaker I couldn't lift up my head he took off my pants and I kept telling him to stop but he wouldn't. Then he put is hand down my underwear and touched me. I was screaming and he said 𝘾𝙖𝙡𝙢 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙞𝙩'𝙡𝙡 𝙗𝙚 𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙤𝙤𝙣."

The lawyers eyes softened "Ok one more Question so.."

The judge cut him off "No  he's told his story and I can see James feeling guilty so I'm simply gonna ask this Question. Go sit down Kurt."

Kurt smiles "Thank you."


The judge looked at James "So Mr Smith Guilty or Not Guilty?"

James looks at Kurt "Guilty! I'm so sorry Kurt you have to know that when I can't tell you anymore you got to know I'm sorry."

Kurt nods slowly.

James got hand cuffs and he put his head down.

Kurt stood up "Wait don't put him in Jail."

The judge smiles "What do you suggest we do?"

Kurt sighs "He gets a criminal record. Gets fined or something I don't know but just don't lock him away."

The judge nods "Ok Mr Smith you will have to pay Mr Hummel $200,000 for what you have done and you will get a criminal record."

James was un cuffed "I can give it him right now. I swear it's legit."

Judge nods.

James wrote out the check "Thank you."

Kurt put's out his hand and shakes it "I'm not ready to accept the apology but I don't want your life ruined because you went to jail
so don't even worry about it."


Kurt sat on the sofa "Dad please don't be mad at me. I had to do that but I was thinking I could go to Dalton with this Money?"

Burt hugs Kurt "I'm not mad at you ok, Carol wanted him in jail as much as I did but you're to kind for your own good."

Carol gave him a hot chocolate "Yeah it was very nice what you did, and yeah you could use the money for Dalton that is a great idea."

Blaine walked in "Sorry but Kurt what the hell did you do that for?"

Burt sighs "Calm down Blaine he did it because he didn't want James to have a bad life just to be punished."

Blaine tears up "Hmmm ok that's nice you're very kind Kurt Er I should go."

Kurt walks up to Blaine "Bee what did he do to you?"

Blaine sighs "Nothing that you don't know off I just thought you made a big mistake but I'm glad you are happy."


Kurt took Blaine outside "I love you."

Blaine smiles "I love you too."

Kurt shook his head "No I LOVE you"

Blaine giggles "I knew what you meant." He leans in and the both Kiss.

Kurt's POV:


Blaine's POV:


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