Where's blaine

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Kurt woke up in a shock looking around "Where am I OH MY GOD Where's Blaine? What day is it?"

Finn sniffles "I'm so glad you're ok little dude."

Kurt looks at Finn "Where is Mom and Dad?"

Finn sighs "They had to go home but they needed sleep they've been back and forth to the hospital every day. Oh you've been here for about a week."

Kurt went wide eyed "Oh my god Blaine is he ok them guys have been at him for a while they must of done so much worse to him."

Finn looks at his feet "Listen Blaine's really out off it he doesn't remember the dance or anything so did you too do anything you'd be upset he forgot?"

Kurt shook his head "I have one Question how much does he remember?"

Finn looks up "When he met Lilly."

Kurt sighs in relief "So he remembers it was gonna be a date?"

Finn thought for a minute "I don't know Kurt He said he remembers going to your house being a little freaked out since Lilly called you Uncle Kurt he remembers leaving your house and then everything else is a blur."

Kurt frowns "Ok he should remember it was a date then since we confirmed it a week before."

Finn took Kurt hand "Listen he's really out off it what he remembers keeps changing. I really just want you to know that if he says he doesn't know who you are. You can't get upset ok it will be hard but you have to stay strong for him. His parents left the minute he started getting confused to who they were. You have to put aside what ever crush you have on him and help him through his amnesia because he gets really scared when people run away ok some times his brain is telling him he is 3 and stuff like that. What ever these kids have been doing to him has really messed him up."

Kurt nods "I will be there for him just like I always have and always will. Finn how come if I known him his whole life will he get confused?"

Finn smiles "Well he will still know you just in a younger form if that makes scene?"

Kurt tears up at thought of Blaine not knowing him "Can I see him?"

Finn nods slowly "But I don't know if you've noticed put your leg is broken so you're gonna have to go in a wheelchair."


Finn push Kurt up to Blaine's bed.

Blaine looked at him and smiles "Kurt I'm so glad you're ok James and them guys are really strong and I'm so scared about what they've done to me."

Kurt sighs in relief "Do you remember a little off the dance?"

Blaine nods "My memories are coming back but I was so upset when they said you where unconscious you've been like that forever."

Kurt giggles "I'm so glad that you're ok?"


Blaine stopped talking and started getting confused and Kurt could tell he stayed relaxed.

He spoke "Hey Blaine it's ok it's me Kurt you're ok just take a deep breath." He rolled over to the sink and wet a towel and folded it up and placed it on Blaine's head.

Blaine relaxed and then remembered what he was saying "Wow how did you do that? Everyone just normally runs out and then I'm back to square one."

Kurt sighs in relief "Is your inhaler anywhere you seem like you're finding it hard to breathe?"

Finn walked in "here you go dude."

Blaine sighs and inhales air "Thanks, you guys are actually helping me remember stuff instead of running off and leaving me all confused."

Kurt takes his hand a kisses it "I'm so glad you didn't forget me I don't know what I would have done without you."

Blaine smiles "I could never forget them gorgeous bright blue eyes."

Finn laughs "Awww you two are adorable. Ok well I'm gonna call everyone saying you're awake Kurt I will let you two lovebirds talk."

Kurt crossed his arms "Shut up Finn we are just friends."

Finn rolls his eyes playfully "Yeah for now."

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