Warblers Welcome

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Wes stood up "Hello Warblers today we have two New students auditioning for you today. Mr Blaine Anderson and Mr Kurt Hummel."

Everyone claps


Blaine went first and sang Teenage dreams.

Everyone claps and Wes speaks first "Wow Blaine you mix with us so well You definitely belong with us. Kurt would you like to go next?"

Kurt stood up and began singing Blackbird

Wes became very emotional "Wow Kurt that was amazing you're very talented thank you for auditioning but honestly you are really too good for us."

David rolled his eyes "I agree with Wes you are too good for us which is why I say welcome to the warblers."

A week after

Wes stood up in fronted everyone "Ok David, Thad and I have came up with our set lists. It will start off with Blaine having the solo for Hey soul sister. Then a duet with Kurt and Blaine Animal and then Jeff you have the last solo in the song."

Jeff's face lit up "Really I'm gonna have a solo?"

Wes laughs "No it's only 2 songs dumb ass."

Blaine saw how upset Jeff was this must happen a lot so he stood up "Jeff you can have my solo I've only just came I don't deserve it."

David smiles at Blaine "All in favour to give Blaine's solo away to Jeff raise your hand."

Everyone raised their hand except Wes.

Jeff ran up to to Blaine and hugged him "Thank you."

Blaine smiles "No problem bro."


David went up to Wes "What is up with you Wes ever since you found out he was your step brother you bully him. Why?"

Wes looks at David "Because it's funny."

David shook his head "No it's not Jeff is like a little brother to me so leave him alone ok?"


Jeff leans his head on Nicks shoulder "Why is he so mean to me?"

Kurt was doing the same on Blaine's shoulder "What's wrong Jeff?"

Jeff frowns "Well Wes he acts all nice an professional when really he's just really mean to me."

Blaine sighs "You have a solo now Jeffy you'll do great don't worry about it."

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