Please help

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A/N: They are at school

Blaine was running around the play area in school Kurt found it really funny when Blaine would fall over. Blaine fell over this time he didn't get up he was gasping for air. They were behind a play fence so the teacher couldn't see them.

Kurt ran over to Blaine crying a little "Bee old breath?" It wasn't working. So he got up and went to Miss smith "M...Miss it's Blaine he's having an athma attack."

Miss smith laughs "Kurt go away I'm not falling for this trick there's nothing in his chart say he has asthma so go play or I will put you in the naughty corner."

Kurt just began crying "Please help I'm not lying you got to believe me please."

Miss smith shook her head "Please I've worked here for a long time water works don't work on me now go play or naughty corner."

Kurt ran back to Blaine and lay next to him "Please don't die bee I don't know what to do. No one will help me I'm all alone right now please just catch your breath."

Blaine just cuddles with Kurt more "Please.... Help!" That was the last thing he said before he passed out from the lack of air he was getting.

With that Kurt just stood up and Marched up to miss smith "Call an ambulance now I'm being deadly serious right now if you don't Blaine is gonna die he left is air thingy at home and he has just stopped breathing. So please for the love of god listen to me! I would never lie about something like this ok my brother as athma as well and it's really scary when he gets like this and right now if you don't help me I think I might just die with him please help me."

Miss smith noticed how sincere he was being so she ran over to Blaine and saw Kurt was telling the truth she called an ambulance really Quickly. Kurt was hugging him whispering things Miss smith couldn't hear completely.

The ambulance came and they asked who was coming.

Kurt stood up "She's going no where near Blaine she did this to him!"

The paramedic knelt down "Do you know everything about Blaine?"

Kurt sniffles "Yes I do!"

The paramedic smiles "You can come follow me Blaine will be in great care. We will call both of your parents ok?"

Kurt follows him out to where Blaine is.

The paramedic let the doctors on the ambulance do them things And asks Kurt some
Questions "Can I ask you a few Questions about Blaine?"

Kurt nods "Of course."

The paramedic smiles "Ok So first of all when is his birthday?"

Kurt answers "It's 2 weeks after mine which is the 15th of April."

The paramedic writes it down "Ok well before we carry on I would like to say that you can call me Mike I forget to mention that. Anyway so how old is he?"

Kurt looks down "He's 3."

Mike smiles "Has anything like this happened before?"

Kurt nods and frowning at the same time "It was the first day of school he forgot his air thingy like today and my brother ran up to him with his and helped him breath again."

Mike sighs "So why was it your teaches fault?"

Kurt tears up "Because she wouldn't listen to me I kept trying tell her bee couldn't breathe and she said I was lying and wouldn't help me so now Bee is in like this and I am really worried."

Mike frowns "Does he like being called Bee?"

Kurt looks up "Only by me I'm only allowed to call him Bee, if anyone else calls him bee he gets upset and I don't like seeing him upset. Er is it ok if I have a nap I missed mine today?"

Mike nods "Here lay on my jacket you've given us enough information for us to help Blaine. Thank you Kurt."

Kurt lays down and falls to sleep.


Mike stayed with Kurt till his parents came.

Blake walked up to the front desk "Hi I'm here for my son Blaine Devon Anderson?"

The lady smiles and called the nurse over.

The nurse nods "Hi Blake is it?"

He sighs "Yeah it is."

The nurse spoke "My name is Shannon, Blaine has woken up he's been asking for someone named Kurt every since he woke up."

Blake was relieved his son was ok "Pam you go and see Blaine with Kurt ok I will wait. Just be careful don't get stressed out it's not good for the baby."

Pam walks up to Kurt "Come on honey let's go see Blaine."


Blaine looks up "Kurtie!"

Kurt just got up in the bed "are you ok bee?"

Blaine shook his head "I was really scared I don't want to go back to that school again."

Kurt frowns "Oh bee I really don't want to loose you please remember your air thingy next time."

Blaine coughs a little "Can you cuddle with me?"

Kurt just moved to lay next to his best friend and they both fell asleep in each other's arms.

Shannon came in "I'm really sorry but Kurt's gonna have to come off the bed."

Pam shook her head "You move him you make me mad you make me mad you make me stressed and you know what that can do. So  I suggest you leave before I throw up my lunch up on you."

Shannon nods "Ok I'm leaving."

Pam giggles and takes a picture of them and send it to Blake.


Blake smiles at the picture "Burt Carol look at this."

Carol tears up "That is so cute."

Burt laughs "Kurt's not meant to be on that bed."

Blake giggles "Yeah well Pam made sure he wasn't made to move."

Everyone laughs, and began talking again as they waiting to hear when Blaine could be discharged.

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