Breath Cooper Breath

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A/N: okay this is gonna be more of a Finn a Cooper chapter they are 16 so yes that makes Klaine 6 and Maddison 2 ❤️🎉

Cooper was really nervous he didn't know how Finn will react. It's been 2 years now he's gotta tell someone that's not his little brother that probably forgot anyways. He knocked on the Hummel's house door waiting for an answer.

Kurt opened the door "Hey coop."

Cooper gasps forcefully "You've grown up so much Kurt I've not seen you in a while with school and everything."

Kurt giggles "Finny's gone out with his girlfriend Rachel I think her name is you can come back later or wait here so you're here when he's back which ever way."

Cooper nods "Thank you Kurt I'm gonna go home and come back when he's here. Any messages before I go?"

Kurt shook his head "No but I'm coming with you anyway I'm gonna come play with Blaine."

Cooper stuck out his hand for Kurt to take which he did "So how's 1st grade treating you?"

Kurt smiles "Good I love my teacher she's so nice and friendly and she lets me Nick, Jeff, Blaine and Mercedes sit together."

Cooper sighs "Wish I could say the same about mine."

Kurt frowns "Does your teacher not let you sit next to Finny?"

Cooper picked Kurt up "Don't be sad it's not like that. Finn is popular, and I am not so he doesn't hang around with me so I'm all alone."

Kurt hugs Cooper "You still have me and Blaine."

Cooper laughs "To bad you can't come to my school."

Cooper POV:

Kurt went to play with Blaine and I Just sat alone. Like I do at lunch like I do in class like I do all the time! Just maybe if I talk to Finn about this tell him everything, he will ditch his popular friends and sit with me, and I will finally have my best friend back.


Couple hours later:

Cooper knew Finn was home he heard his car pull into the driveway. So he went round again and knocked on the door! To his surprise Rachel answers the door.

Rachel crossed her arms "Finn some loser kid is on your doorstep."

Cooper is a good actor so he pretends that didn't offend him. So he just walks in "Finn I need to talk to so please send you girlfriend home. This is really important."

Finn nods because he knows it must be serious he's not talk to cooper properly in over a year "Ok but she's not gonna like that. Rachel please could you go home I will see you tomorrow?"

Rachel jaw dropped "Why because a loser comes in demanding to talk to you?"

Finn puts his arm around Cooper "I'm sorry Rachel but coop is a brother to me so if you think he is a loser we can't be together anymore."

Rachel crossed his arms "so you're say you would choose him over me?"

Finn smirked "That is exactly what I am saying."

Cooper laughs

Rachel huffs "Fine then I guess we are.... over?"

Finn waves to her "Bye then."


Cooper hugs Finn "You didn't have to break up with her for me."

Finn sighs "Trust me I did it for me as well."

Cooper laughs "Ok."


Finn's room:

Finn spoke first "So what's up bro?"

Cooper took a deep breath "Ok so I just want to start of with that I hope this doesn't ruin are friendship or whatever we are now. Ok so erm I'm Bi."

Finn nods "I've known for a while, Don't worry I still love you. Have you told your parents?"

Cooper starts crying no sobbing he doesn't know why he's just gone through hell being alone and people not taking him seriously. And here Finn is after not talking to me for so long is doing just that.

Finn frowns and hugs him "It's ok Coop. Breath Cooper Breath."

Cooper calms down "Thank you for accepting me Finn I'm just scared to tell my Mom and Dad."

Finn smiles slightly "I understand it's taken you long enough to tell me. Ok erm here's what we are gonna do I'm gonna actually talk to you at school sit with you everything."

Cooper looked Finn in the eyes "But why?"

Finn giggles "Because you're my best friend no my brother and you're going through a rough time right now and I don't like the popular guys they are not cool. The only reason why people fear them is because I'm the quarterback and I sit with them without me they're nothing."

Cooper hugs Finn "Wait how did you know?"

Finn smiles "I could just tell you had a crush on that guy in 8th grade what was his name again?"

Cooper blushes "Oliver."

Finn laughs "Yeah but I knew you weren't gay since I also knew you liked Paris."

Cooper nods "Ok I attract to women more I'm pretty sure, but it's just I know who I am and I can't just not tell anyone because I like girls more."

Finn smiles "Cooper.... Would you like to stay over it's Friday so no school I just feel like we are both disconnecting ya know?"

Cooper looks down "Can you believe the last sleep over we had was when Kurt and Blaine were just one years old then we moved house so I only saw you at school."

Finn gasps "Whoa and Maddison is 2 right now times gone fast we are Seniors in two years. Ok let's make a pact from this day on we are gonna stay together and do everything together again." Finn puts out his hand to shake on it.

Cooper nods and shakes Finn's hand "Ok so wanna watch a movie?"

Finn smiles "Sounds good to me."

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