It's Time for the truth

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Pam sighs "Children please sit down me and your father have some news."

Blaine sat down next to Maddison and said "What wrong? It better not be anything sad I just graduated I got in to my dream college I still have Kurt everything is going good in my life."

Pam tears up "I know honey but this is none of your guy's fault ok we just need to tell you."

Blake stepped forward "Your mother and I are getting divorced."

Blaine nods "Is that it?"

Pam smiles at her sons maturity "Yeah you ok about it?"

Blaine sighs "Yeah I could tell you haven't been happy for a long times I love you guys and I think you are doing the right thing not just for us but for both of you."

Maddison cries a little "Was it me?"

Pam frowns "No of course not honey. This is just something that happens not to everyone but to some it is not your fault at all."

Blaine hugs her "Listen Maddison this just a new start new beginning for everyone I'm going to California and mom and dad are having a new chapter in their lives too it's not your fault."

Blake hugs his youngest "Now I already have a house and you can come when ever you want because I have a room for you ok?"

Maddison nods "Ok."

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