I missed you!

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Blaine went up to Pam "Hi mommy can I invite Nicky and Jeffy to my party?"

Pam smiles "Oh are they yours and Kurt's new friends?"

Blaine looked really guilty "Er no mommy they are just my friends. Kurt and I don't really talk much in school anymore. He has a friend called Mercedes. He's with her all the time.

Pam Frowns "is that why you've not really been yourself lately?"

Blaine nods "We used to do everything together and now he doesn't even talk to me and I don't know what I've done moma. I think he prefers girls."

Pam knew what he thought which kid of shocked her. She picked up him up and marched next door and knocked on it "Hello Burt somethings going on between Kurt and Blaine and it needs fixing."

Burt knew something was off "Ok yeah come on in."

Pam put Blaine down and let him walk over to Kurt.

Kurt smiles "Hi Blaine."

Blaine frowns "Why did you call me Blaine?"

Kurt was confused "Because that's your name?"

Blaine starts to cry "But you've not called be Blaine for a long time did I do something wrong?"

Kurt forgot how much his nickname meant to him "Oh I'm sorry bee. We haven't talk for a while and I do miss you I just thought you forgot about me and liked Nick and Jeff more then me."

Blaine gasps and just hugs him "Never You're my best friend for life from this day on we will go back to loving each other."

Kurt pulls away "My party was really Awkward because you didn't speak to me because cedes was their." Blaine was shocked Kurt gave her a nickname but didn't want to make Kurt sad. He didn't know why he felt like this. He let Kurt carry on "Maybe I can actually talk to Nick and Jeff and be their friends so we can all be friends with each other."

Blaine the stoped thinking Kurt was leaving him and smiles "So you are ok with them coming?"

Kurt nods "Yeah! If you wanted I can see if Mercedes wants to come so we can all get to know each other?"

Blaine laughs "I'd like that."

Kurt hugs him "Daddy is it ok if Bee stays longer?"

Burt nods "Yeah go have fun."

Blaine smiles "I missed you."

Kurt sighs "I missed you too."


Pam sighs "Burt do you think Blaine is a bit young to be falling in love?"

Burt shrugs "Why do you ask? You think he is?"

Pam nods slowly "yes I do, I think he's falling in love with your Kurt. This past week he has been miserable like cooper was when that Paris girl kissed one of the football players. It's very weird. And before we came her he was talking about Kurt's new friend Mercedes and emphasised that she was a girl."

Burt laughs "Blaine hasn't got to worry if my boy is straight I'll eat my hat."

Pam gave him a serious look "Why is this happening Burt it's like he's almost 4 but he's really 14 in his head."

Burt shrugs "Cooper was like that but when he turned about 7. Blaine is very young him getting all the emotions will be confusing for him but I'm sure he's talking to at least cooper about it. They talk all the time. Might be why he seems so old in the brain."

Pam smiles "Yeah you're right. I'm just worried." Burt gave her a hug "He can stay here tonight and I'll observe ok?" Pam nods and leaves the house to go home.

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