New school!

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Blaine cries and holds pam tightly "Mommy I can't go back to that school."

Pam nods "It's ok we know, you and Kurt are both gonna go to a different school and you will be safe there ok?"

Blaine yawns "I'm sleepy."

Pam kissed her son "You sleep then honey."


1 week later:

Kurt walks out of his house "Bee why do you look mad?"

Blaine crossed his arms "I look bad in my uniform. And it's itchy."

Kurt gasps "What no you don't you look really handsome I love it."

Blaine blushed "Oh erm Thank you, but you look better."

Kurt laughs "Well that's because I look amazing in everything I wear."

Blaine nods in agreement "Now let's go I have a good feeling about this school! Also I know you where scared I would forget my inhaler so I put it in my bag see."

Kurt kisses Blaine's cheek "Thanks bee see you in a couple minutes."

(A/N: They have to wear a uniform since it is a private school! for boys and girls! I know that doesn't happen but it's just better for my story line)

In the school:

A girl walks up to Kurt "Hello I'm Mercedes. I was wondering if you would like to come and draw with me?"

Kurt looks at Blaine "Is it ok if I go?"

Blaine smiles "Yeah go I'll be fine go make some friends."

Kurt hugs Blaine "Thank you we can eat lunch together."

Blaine nods "See you then." and with that Blaine was left alone until two boys walked up to him.

The blonde boy spoke first "Hello are you new?"

Blaine shyly replied "Yeah.. erm I'm Blaine."

The other boy smiles "I'm Nicholas and this is Jeffery, but please just call us Nick and Jeff."

Jeff giggles "So why are you sat here alone."

Blaine frowns "Well my best friend Kurt left me to talk to a girl named Mercedes."

Nick smiles "Well that's ok because we can be your friends too"

Blaine was confused "Really?"

Jeff and Nick hug Blaine

Nick sighs "Duh you're cool."


Lunch time:

Blaine POV:

I went to sat at a table waiting for Kurt to come sit with me but he didn't he went to sit with that girl.

Why is he leaving me? Oh Kurt might like girls I never thought that could be an option but Finn likes girls so maybe Kurt and I will never be able to love each other and be each other prince's. I let a tear fall but quickly wiped it away when Nick and Jeff came over.

"Is your best friend still with Mercedes?" I nod sadly but laughed when Nick stuck his tongue out at the table "It's ok you have us know we won't leave you alone."

Maybe Kurt and I aren't gonna be best friends forever? It makes my chest hurt. but Nick and Jeff are nice so I will be able to hide it when I play with them.

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