First day

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Blaine didn't speak to anyone the whole ride to school. He didn't want to be the middle child he wants to be that baby still!

Pam looked at Blaine when they arrived at his school "Blaine do you have you inhale?"

Blaine started to worry he patted his pockets and then looked at his bag. He was breathing really heavily getting really panicked. His breathing got heavier until there was no breath at all.

Couple minutes later

The Hummel's arrived and they were really confused as to why Blaine was on the floor. Finn knew what was happening so he grabbed his own inhaler and ran to Blaine as he wiped it on his shirt .

Finn sat next to him "Look at me Blaine breathe in when I press the button ok?"

Blaine did what Finn told him to and in no time he was breathing normally again.

Finn sighs in relief "Where's yours at little dude?"

Blaine hugs Finn "I thought I was going to die."

Finn smiles "I've been there, did you start getting panicked because you didn't have your inhaler with you?"

Blaine nods "Yeah."

Finn frowns "Ok well sometimes I forgot mine. It's ok you're only young. You're not gonna remember it's all the time. If you ever forget it just don't do a lot of running around that day ok? You'll be home soon anyway so you will have it."

Kurt walks up to Blaine and hugs him "Bee what happened?"

Blaine blushed "I almost died."

Kurt jaw dropped "Don't ever almost die again was it because of your athma?"

Blaine giggles "Asthma and yes it was."

Finn laughs "Little Bro never change the was you say asthma. It's cutest thing ever."

Kurt was really confused "But your all saying the same thing."

Finn nods "Yeah we all are definitely saying the same thing." He said winking at Blaine.

Kurt and Blaine walk into school hand in hand ready for their first day.


Kurt and Blaine are colouring but Kurt noticed that Blaine was upset "Bee what is wrong?"

Blaine looks up "My Mommy is pre..." Blaine struggles to say the world again "Pregnant she's Pregnant."

Kurt was confused "What does pregnant mean?"

Blaine sighs "It means my mommy is gonna have a baby."

Kurt raised an eyebrow "Bee why are you sad about that you should be happy."

Blaine just cries a little making the teacher come over which made Kurt very cross since he was helping Blaine.

Miss smith sat next to Blaine "What's wrong?"

Kurt holds blaine tightly "Nothing that concerns you lady!"

Miss smith crossed her arms "It does concern me since he is in my class and I have to look after him."

Kurt got defensive "Listen I've known Bee my whole life so you can't just come in and act like you know everything."

Miss smith shook her head "Well Bee is in m.."

Blaine stood up "Don't call me bee!" He shouted and stood up took Kurt's hand and went to sit in the far corner.


Blaine smiles at Kurt "The reason I am sad my mommy is having another baby is because I won't be the baby anymore."

Kurt nods "But you will be a big brother and that is a cool thing right? You'll be an amazing Big brother know how I know?"

Blaine shrugs his shoulders "No how?"

Kurt giggles "Because you an amazing best friend!"

Blaine hugs Kurt "I love you!"

Kurt hugs back "I love you too."

The end of the day:

Miss smith let everyone go apart from Kurt and blaine "Mr Hummel and Mr Anderson could I talk to you both please?"

They both nodded and walked in.

Burt spoke first "First call me Burt and call him Blake second everything ok?"

Miss smith shook her head "No not, really Blaine was crying and when I went to ask what was wrong Kurt became very mouthy and rude."

Burt nods "Yeah you see you're in the wrong here miss smith not my son they are best friends you should have just left them. What did he say to you?"

Miss smith sighs "Well when I asked Blaine what was wrong he said 'Nothing that concerns you Lady' so I tried to explain that he is in my care so it does concern me then he said 'Listen I've known Bee my whole life so you can't just come in and act like you know everything.' very rude."

Blake smirked "Did you try and be a smart and call him bee?"

Miss smith nodded "Yeah. Then Blaine shouted at me. then he took Kurt's hand and went to sit in the corner over there."

Blake laughs "Is that all because all of this is your fault! They are 3, if anything you need to teach yourself a lesson."

Burt nods "You see Kurt and Blaine have known each other their whole life's they are each other's comfort blanket's. It's gonna give them a little time to let you their teacher help when something it wrong. Also don't call Blaine Bee only Kurt calls him that."

She froze and didn't know what to say.

Both men stood up and said in unison "Come on boy's it's time to go."

Both boys jumped into their own fathers arms and all four of them leave together

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