What is it?

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A/N: Pam is finding out what the gender is.

Pam lays down on the bed and lifts up her top "I'm hoping for a girl this time."

Kate laughs "Honey you deserve a baby girl Cooper and Blaine are great kids but let your last one be a girl."

Pam laughs "See Blake I told you everyone agrees with me."

Blake rolled his eyes "Should we find out what they are?"

Kate smiles and puts the cold gel on Pam's stomach "Ok you ready to hear their gender?"

The both nod.

Kate looks again to make sure "It a..."


The Hummel's arrived to the party and Kurt went straight to Blaine and played.

Finn walked up to Cooper "Hey man I think this is the first time I've see you wear pink."

Cooper giggles then went Quite "Finn is it ok if I talk to you for a second about something?"

Finn was confused "Sure is everything ok? You seem nervous and upset about something?"

Cooper was gonna tell Finn about him being bi But he backed out he was so scared when everyone found out things would change. "Yeah it's just I have a crush on Paris you know that but I'm kinda nervous to talk to her I thought maybe you could help me."

Finn let's the breath out he didn't know he was holding in "Dude Don't scare me like that I thought this was something serious! Dude just give her some flowers and say she's pretty. She definitely likes you back man don't worry."

Cooper nods "Thank you Finn."

Finn hugs Cooper "Anytime."

Gender reveal time:

Blaine had a bag full of pink and blue balls.

Pam smiles "So each take a ball out of the bag. Then keep it hidden then we will go round the room you say the colour of you ball and the colour that is said the most is the gender."

Burt went first "Blue!"

Then Kurt went "Pink!"

Then Pam "Pink!"

Cooper was next "Blue!"

Finn went after Cooper "Blue!"

Carol smiles "Pink!"

Blake revels his "Pink!"

Then Pam "Blue!"

Burt looks at Blaine "Blaine has the last one!"

Blaine smiles and held up the ball "It's pink which means I'm having a baby sister."

Everyone cheers and are happy that she is a girl!

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