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A/N: Time skip Age: 11


Maddison walks up to Pam "Mom why is Cooper so tall?"

Pam giggles "Well honey he's nearly 21 now which means he's an adult why do you ask?"

Maddison smiles "Well it's just I'm small."

Pam nods "Well you're only 8 don't worry about that. Also I know you just wanted me to chat about Cooper because you miss him."

Maddison shook his head "No it's because Blainey has been really sad without him here. Him and Kurt keep having weird talks and after them he rings cooper and if he doesn't answer I here Blainey cry."

Pam frowns his poor baby now Kurt I starting to understand what he did a long time ago they now talk about it. Cooper helps him understand what kurt knows and doesn't know. She only knows because cooper told her a couple days ago. Then she thought of an idea "How about we plan a sleepover? With all his friends he will be happy then!"

Maddison claps "Yes."

The surprise sleepover:

Blaine walked into the living room "What are you guys doing here?"

Everyone shouted "Surprise!"

Kurt giggles "We are all here for a sleepover."

Blaine smiles for the first time in a while "Ok well let's all go up to my room and play some games."

Everyone went upstairs Blaine went up last and saw Maddison looking said "You coming Maddie?"

Maddison nods and followed Blaine upstairs.

Couple hours later:

Blaine noticed Mercedes had been in the bathroom for a while "Hey cedes are you ok?"

Mercedes sighs "Blaine I know this might sound mean but this is kinda something I can't talk about with you."

Blaine understood and wished Mercedes felt comfortable asking him but he got it he was a boy. So he knew who to get "Do you want me to get my Mom?"

Mercedes smiles despite Blaine not being able to see "Yes please."

Pam walks into Blaine's room "Hey boys erm Mercedes is gonna go home."

Blaine knew no one else did so he nods "Guys she's not feeling well." Blaine said winking at her.

Mercedes smiles a little "Thank you for inviting me and I will hopefully see you at school next week.

Truth or dare:

Nick went first "Blaine Truth or dare."

Blaine smith "Truth."

Nick smirked "Who do you have a crush on?"

Blaine couldn't say that he had to lie "I don't have one."

Kurt laughs "Blaine that's a lie I know when you lie." Blaine wished their conversation had gone further enough for him to come clean with Kurt but he was afraid he would never be able too.

Blaine sighs "Fine it's Lola." 𝕃𝕚𝕖𝕤 Blaine thought

Kurt knew he was lying but he played along with it because it seems Blaine was afraid to say it so he would ask later "I knew it!"

Blaine looked at him as in to say thank you for not blowing his cover "Ok Jeff truth or dare?"

Jeff nods "erm Dare."

Blaine giggles "I Dare you to Kiss Nick on the cheek."

Jeff raised an eyebrow "That easy." Jeff kissed Nick on the cheek

everyone looks at him in shook

Jeff put his hands up "What did I do wrong?"

Blaine blinked "I was kidding I didn't think you would actually do it."

Nick blushes "It was still a dare and he did it."

Jeff giggles "Ok Kurt truth or dare?"

Kurt thought for a moment "Truth."

Jeff nods "Do you have a crush on Blaine?"

Kurt frozen then relaxed "First of all I'm not gay and second Blaine is like a brother to me that would be weird right Blaine?"

Blaine for someone reason couldn't tell if he was lying or telly the truth so he said "Yeah."

Kurt sighs "Ok Nick Truth or dare just because you haven't had a turn yet but I've had enough of this game."

Nick smiles "It's fine I'm hungry can we eat?"

Blaine laughs "Yeah come on there is food downstairs."


Sleepover with just Klaine

Kurt drank some of his drink "So Blaine who do you really have a crush on?"

Blaine looks down "Erm no one in school in fact they are a fictional character I was just embarrassed to say it."

Kurt laughs "Ok then you don't need to tell me them crushes and that important."

Blaine laughs wishing he could tell the truth but Kurt says he wasn't gay and that means he doesn't like boys. So I could never make him feel uncomfortable. I don't want to loose him either. Maybe who he talks about liking really isn't me but who else has he known for a long time because that was on of the hints. This is so stupid I'm 11 I'm just gonna stop caring about it. As long as Kurt is happy I am.

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