3 people down

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Sam looked really sad so Blaine ran up to the tree he was sat under and sat next to him. "Hey you ok you've been a little off today?"

Sam sighs "Yeah it's just that you know the glee club is on the way to regionals in a couple weeks and three people quit so we can't go since we need 12 members."

Blaine nods "I know me Kurt and Mercedes can audition trust me Mercedes is so freaking good. Kurt well his voice is so calming and angelic I go to a different planet when he sings everything about Kurt is amazing from his hair to the shoes he wears."

Sam waves a hand in front of Blaine's face.

Blaine blinked and coughed a little "Anyway the point is we can audition since we can all sing we were like the best trio in middle school. Nick and Jeff were just short of a duet."

Sam laughs "Well Jeff is 100% madly in Love with Nick so I see that you on the other hand are in love with Kurt don't deny it."

Blaine crossed his arms in defeat "Ok I am he feels the same way I know that but I'm really not ready for that kind of comment yet I know he is and just being nice it's just I want to be 100% sure that it's not gonna end badly because as you know we grew up together and I don't want it to ruin what we already have get it?"

Sam nods "Yeah 100% last relationship I was in was with Quinn did not end well but we are in glee club and we are all a family in there so we're cool. You and Kurt are like that right? So why you so worried?"

Blaine looks down "Ok the truth is I'm not worried about us having a bad break up I'm worried that he will get hurt more then he did last time and I can't have that happened if there is a small chance I can stop that from happening then I will take it."

Sam eyes softened "Wow you must really care about him if you would not date him to keep him safe from 𝙅𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙨."

A/N: He whispered James btw.

Blaine sighs "Yep trust me I knew I was gay at 4 told my brother and yeah I've liked Kurt since then he's just took longer to know. I started realising he knew when he was around 8."

Sam raised an eyebrow "So your smart you can sing and you're observant you're the most strange yet interesting Freshman I have ever met."

Blaine giggles "Thanks I've never thought of myself that way. I knew I could sing but I'm ok I guess "

Sam laughs "dude I've heard you sing you're amazing! Jeff can sing shame them warblers only let him be in the background,waste of his talent if you ask me. You know he's audition 6 times for a solo and not gotten one at all?"

Blaine gasps "woah the warblers must be good if they turned Jeff down his so good."

Sam nods "Yeah they beat us last year Jeff only joined at the beginning of the year so he's still new I guess?"

Blaine nods "Why didn't you go to Dalton?"

Sam sniggers "You think I want to be some preppy school boy no thank you, and I don't live in Westerville."

Blaine laughs "Ok well we should go. I need to ask Kurt and Mercedes about glee and then go ask Mr Schuester is it?"

Sam smiles "I'm so excited for you to be in glee club it's gonna be so much fun!"


Blaine smiles at his best friends "So glee club 3 people have dropped out wanna audition together?"

Mercedes nods "I'm in if you're in?"

Kurt claps "Duh Glee will be so fun ok we have to come up with what song to sing. Ahhh this will be great!"

A/N: guess they are joining glee club now 🤷‍♀️

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