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Blaine sat on the swing and so did Kurt. Talking about what life and sometimes just sitting in silence watching the empty park.

Blaine sighs "Literally last week was just a disaster I felt so bad for Maddie."

Kurt nods "Well I mean you must of done a good Job I mean she seems fine. Why didn't your mom say anything about that stuff though?"

Blaine laughs "Well that's a funny story. She basically said that she forgot she was nearly 12. So I said I knew all about this stuff when I was 10. I honestly don't know what's gotten into my parents lately they just seem so distant from each other and us."

Kurt was confused "Bee I think you should talk to Cooper about this maybe this happened before maybe when you where younger he could help."

Blaine claps "That is is such a great idea you see this is why I love you, because you give me amazing advice."

Kurt stood up "Don't think you're special I'm just a great advice giver."

Blaine got up and stood in front Of Kurt "Have I told you that you look absolutely breathtaking this evening."

Kurt bows "Why thank you kind sir."

They both started laughing historically rolling around on the grass until they rolled really close together and were inches away from each other's lips.


A group of guys came up to them "What do we have here? Homo Gelsalot and his little princess."

They both stood up looking really scared. But Blaine looked more like he knew they were gonna get killed.

Blaine took a deep breath "James you can hurt me and call me what ever you want but don't do anything to him."

James laughs "Oh and what is little Freshman Blaine Gonna do about that?"

Blaine looks at Kurt he looks terrified "I don't know, but please don't do anything to him I swear I will do anything for you just please let him go home."

James looks at Kurt and nods "Run along princess. NOW!"

Blaine taps his shoulder "Go, I'll be fine knowing you're safe just go please for me."

Kurt nods slowly and ran off home.


James smirks and looked at his friends "Go I'll be fine knowing you're safe." He mimicked and pushed him to the ground and kicked his face.

Blaine winced in pain "What have I ever done to you? I can help you with school if that's what you're bothered about."

One of his friends came forward "aww that's cute that you think I care about school. No You've just been alive that is what you've done to me and everyone in the world No one wants you here. you're disgusting." He said as he punch him in the eye.

Jame laughs "Come on he's not worth anymore of our time."


(Back home)

Maddison gasps when she saw Blaine walk into the door "Oh My God. What the hell happened?"

Pam walked into see what Maddison was looking at "Ooo that looks like you had a very nasty fall." Blaine could see his mum knew that it was definitely not just a fall

Blaine tried to hold in his tears but he couldn't "Sorry that I'm crying it's just It really hurts, I tripped over my shoelace and hit the metal bar on the swings. I saw blood and freaked out so I came home."

Pam shook her head "Don't be sorry let's get you cleaned up."


Maddison smiles at Pam "Mom it's ok you can go get ready for bed I can help Blaine with his..."

Then Blaine's phone started ringing "No listen both of you go to bed I'm fine honestly the blood has gone I'm just gonna take this call and I will be up myself."

They both nod in a agreement Pam kisses Blaine head "If you need me call me down ok?" The they both go to bed.


Blaine answered the call (it's Kurt)

K: "Oh My God are you home Bee please tell me you're ok?"

B: "Well I'm home and I'm safe now I'm just holding an ice pack on my eye but I should be fine."

K: "Why did you save me? We could of helped each other get out  of the situation."

B: laughs "Well  I couldn't let anything happened to your beautiful face."

K: "Stop you're making me blush."

B: "Kurt I would take a hit for you any day. I just couldn't let you get hurt I'm surprised they let you go. They don't usually give in to me like that."

K: gasps "Wait how long has this been going on for?"

B "I.... er Listen Kurt I got to go but I love you and er good night."

K: sighs "Love you too."

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