First day of highschool

132 3 4

Klaine age= 14

𝙆𝙣𝙤𝙘𝙠 𝙆𝙣𝙤𝙘𝙠 𝙆𝙣𝙤𝙘𝙠

Burt opened the door "Good you're here look he's having a full on panic attack Finn you got to tell him everything will be alright."

Finn ran up to him "Look Kurt just breathe with me ok look I'm here just breathe in and out."

Kurt finally calmed down "What are you doing here I thought you were in California."

Finn laughs "Do you think I would miss you going to high school no also I'm sorry I couldn't get out for your birthday thanks for my present and I hope you liked yours."

Kurt tears up "Why do you have to be so far away I haven't seen you in a whole year."

Finn sighs "Well I have school but I Said I had a family problem I had to deal with."

Kurt wiped his tears away "I'm scared Finny."

Finn nods "Listen you'll be fine you have Blaine I know Nick and Jeff are going to a school In Westerville but McKinley is well.... You have Blaine."

Kurt went wide eyed "Why is it bad Finn tell me?"

Finn frowns"It's a public school Kurt there is gonna be a lot of people who don't like who you are but you just can't rise to it, because once you do they will know it's bothering you and they will keep doing it. So you got to give me that one promise you won't change for anyone."

Kurt looks around seeing his mom and dad weren't around "Finn can I tell you a secret?"

Finn smiles "Sure you can tell me anything."

Kurt took a deep breath "I'm gay."

Finn hugs Kurt "Kurt don't worry I know thank you for finally telling me. I love you so so much that is why you got to promise me to never change for anyone."

Kurt nods "I promise and you sure you're ok with what I told you?"

Finn smiles "100%"

Kurt sighs "Well I have a big day today so I should probably go."

Finn laughs "Don't be silly bro I'm taking you and mom will get like a zillion pictures of you before that."


Carol tears up "Ok that is the last picture I love you."

Kurt sighs "Love you too Mom. Come on Blaine go to your car or we are gonna be late."

Blaine looks at Kurt and kisses his cheek and ran off.

Finn laughs and waits for Kurt to get in the car and started driving "You like Blaine."

Kurt shook his head "No he's just my friend Finn."

Finn rolls his eyes "Come on I'm your brother you can tell me the truth. I know that you have liked him since you were 4 but you have just been to young to know it. Now I can I actually say it."

Kurt nods "Fine yeah I do have a crush on him I knew when I was 8 though we'll sort of. We had talk and stuff for a good3 years."

Finn smiles and rubs Kurt's head "Awww my little brother is growing up."

Kurt crossed his arms "Well he probably just thinks it's weird that I like him more then a friend."

Finn tried to stop his laughter from coming out "Trust me he knew he liked boys at 4 and he just kissed you before he went, so I could be wrong but he feels the same way. honestly in my opinion you're both only 14 maybe wait a couple years till you give it a go."

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