Time to go home

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Blaine smiles at Kurt "I remember the dance was a date ya know?"

Kurt nods "Yes you remember pretty much everything now right?"

Blaine sighs "Yeah thanks to you, I don't think I'm ready for a relationship yet so could we maybe stay best friends?"

Kurt takes his hand "Yes I honestly just want to focus on school and I'm still only a freshman I'm not ready either."

Blaine smiles "Ok good."


Pam walks in the door and kissed Blaine on the cheek "Oh my baby boy I'm so sorry I ran out the first time you got confused. I hope you forgive me."

Blaine rolled his eyes "Mom I told you already I know you were upset  and I get it at least you came back." Blaine said the last bit frowning "Is er where's dad?"

Pam smiles "He's in the car waiting for us."

Blaine raised an eyebrow "I'm going home?"

Pam nods "Yep and I have an offer for you so Dalton no bullying policy what I safe life you would have there."

Blaine shook his head "No I'm happy where I am. I'm doing great in class and I don't want to go to private school plus there are no girls there and boys are just bad friends apart from Kurt because I love him but that is the only exception oh and Sam I like Sam he's nice and Nick and Jeff but that's it."

Kurt rolled his eyes "No the real reason you don't want to go is because it's an all boys school Pam I think you can tell by the blush on Blaine's face what I mean."

Blaine looks at Kurt's "I only have my eyes on one man!"

Kurt blushes

Blaine points at him "Ha now
Look who's blushing."

Pam nods "Ok but if it gets as bad as this again you're going no arguments."


Blaine's house:

Blaine is lay down in bed playing with Kurt's hair with him lying on his chest "Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to fly?"

Kurt laughs "No why? Have you?"

Blaine nods "Yeah think about it you could just fly away from anyone. I always wish I could fly away from James, I wish I could just fly my troubles away ya know?"

Kurt frowns "It's sad that you're so smart that you're in different classes than me."

Blaine kisses his head "We have the same homeroom and lunch."

Kurt nods "It's been a long day I think I'm gonna go home so I can go to bed."

Blaine huffs "No stay here with me you can sleepover I have pyjamas you can wear!"

Kurt sighs "Ok but only because I love you."


The got back in the same position.

Kurt closes his eyes "Good night."

Blaine hums "Night."

A/N: ok so they are definitely more than friends but they are still young and both don't want a relationship. Hmmmmmm.



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