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Pam walks into Coopers room "Honey you got to get up for school."

Cooper looked up at his mom with sad eyes "Moma I don't feel so good."

Pam felt his head "Could you sit up for me?"

Cooper nods "Your right though I need to go to school."

Pam shook her head "No way your so pale and you're boiling, you're staying off today."


Pam walks into Blaine's room his breathing was off "Blaine Honey are you ok sweetheart?"

Blaine woke up and started coughing he stopped after a while and got his inhaler and got some air "Mommy why is it so cold in my room."

Pam was confused it was actually ok temperature so she felt his head "I know you feel Cold baby boy but you're actually really hot, so we are gonna but you in some summer pyjamas and you're staying off school ok?"

Blaine nods "Can you tell Kurt?"

Pam smiles "I will but you two are inseparable so I wouldn't be surprised if he is sick as well." Blaine knew that hasn't been 100% true.

Blaine put some other pyjamas on and looks up at Pam "Mommy can I go back to bed I feel sick?" He wasn't sure if it was because he is sick or the painful feeling in his chest

Pam put Blaine into bed "Feel better baby."


Blake walks out of his room ready for work "Why are the kids not up?"

Pam hugs him "They are both really sick so I'm keeping them off."

Blake kisses her head "Well I'm off to work so bye love you.tell the boys I hope they get better."


Hummel House

Carol went into Kurt's room first "Hey honey are you feeling alright Pam just rang me and sad Blaine's sick and to check on you?"

Kurt sat up "My tummy hurts and I'm really cold."

Carol felt Kurt's head "Poor baby You're gonna stay off ok?"

Kurt frowns "But Blaine will be their on his own."

Carol giggles "Blaine is off as well, do you want to go round to his?" Kurt nods "let me help you change pyjamas because you are really hot, then I'll take you."


Kurt walks into Blaine's room "Hi Bee."

Blaine smiles weakly the painfully chest feeling goes away "Are you sick too?"

Kurt nods "Do you want to cuddle so we can get some sleep?"

Blaine sighs not wanting to sleep he wanted to spend time with Kurt "Ok."

Kurt climbs into bed with Blaine and they cuddle with each other and  fall asleep.


Finn at school:

Oliver walked up to Finn "Hey Finn do you know where Cooper is?"

Finn nods "Yeah him Blaine and Kurt are sick. I don't get sick, when I do it's really bad since I have asthma can't imagine how Blaine's feeling."

Oliver frowns "Do you mind waiting for me after school and give me a lift? I'm gonna go see coop."

Finn smiles "No not at all, I just want to thank you for ya know being with him it makes me happy that he's finally found someone. I knew that whole liking girls more was so fake."

Oliver hugs Finn and laughs a little "Thank you, Also he makes me happy too."

After school and the drive home.

Oliver knocked on the Anderson house hold as with Finn Behind him. Pam answers the door "Hi Finn Hi Oliver. Finn Kurt is in Blaine's room I think they're asleep. Oliver Cooper is in his room he's been asking for you all day."

Oliver was shocked "Really?"

Pam nods "Yeah He was sad when I told him he would have to wait till school finishes."

Oliver smiles "Aww well I'm gonna go see him now then thanks Mrs Anderson."

Pam giggles "Oliver how many times call me Pam."

Finn followed behind Oliver and went into Blaine's room.


Oliver walked into Coopers bedroom took off his shoes and got into bed "Hey you alright I heard you are sick."

Cooper woke up and turned around "Ollie?"

Oliver frowns when he sees the look in his eyes "What is it?"

Cooper just turns around and cuddles with him "I missed you all day and I'm really sick so it was a double bad day."

Oliver kisses his head "Well I'm here now so you can have a single bad day for the rest of the day how does that sound?"

Cooper lays his head on Oliver's chest and closes his eyes "I love you."

Oliver's eyes widened in shook for a second then he and a moment of realisation and smiles "Love you Too."

Cooper sighs "Took you long enough I was scared you were gonna leave me."

Oliver kisses his head "Never I was just in shock because I didn't think you loved me sorry I kept you waiting."

Cooper giggles "It's ok."


Finn saw Kurt was awake put not Blaine but looks really worried "Hi Kurt you alright?"

Kurt frowns "No, Blaine started coughing a lot before, and he couldn't breathe I gave him his air thingy and then he fell back to sleep and he's being doing same thing for a long time."

Finn frowns "Oh Kurt its ok that is a normal thing that happens it's what happens to me when I'm sick but don't worry he will be ok."

Kurt jumped on Finn lap "Finny what's high school like?"

Finn laughs "Well it's a Hell hole stay Young forever." Kurt looked shocked because he knew that wasn't possible. "Well it's not like what you see in movies and stuff yeah you got the different groups but nothing like the movies. The glee club can't just brake out in song and it's just really bad."

Kurt frowns "Oh I don't want to go there."

Finn giggles "Don't worry bro it a long time off things might change."

Kurt cuddles up to Finn "Finny can we go home?"

Finn stood up still holding Kurt "Yeah We will see if Blaine is ok later we can go home and watch a film in my bed yeah?"

Kurt nods "I'd like that."

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