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Blaine woke up "Happy Birthday Kurt."

Kurt smirks "Ok but every year you and Finn try and surprise me with a surprise party so just give it up. Tell me where it is so I can wear the best outfit for the best place."

Blaine crossed his arms "Why do you keep doing this? Ok I will tell you but don't tell Finn I told you ok. So it's remember that Field me you Finn Cooper went a couple weeks ago it's there. There is gonna be games and music and karaoke that was gonna be the surprise but I'm sure you already knew that."

Kurt laughs "No I didn't bee but now I do. You and Finn always put so much time and effort into these it's really nice and I have to say I look forward to it every year."

Blaine kisses Kurt "I'm glad ok so because we wanted you to be surprised Cooper is gonna text you when to come since he never does that."

Kurt smiles "Oooo that was I good plan. Anything else I must know?"

Blaine giggles "No but I gotta meet Finn and get everything ready for your party I really hope you like this years all your favourite colours are there all your favourite music and karaoke songs this is gonna be the best."

Kurt hugs him "Thank you Thank you Thank you. Bee you're the best. Better practice my surprise faces."

Blaine nods "I will text you how things are going and if Finn brakes something like I always do, but probably a lot more since there is a lot of glass and glass and Finn do not go together."

Kurt laughs "Ok well see you later."

Blaine POV

I have this whole thing planned out Finn and Cooper are gonna film it. There is no party I just have to have Kurt have a distraction. I threw away the receipt knowing he would probably find it. This is perfect I can't wait for it to happen. I also have Finn and a lot of glass so I can take pictures off him being well Finn.

End of POV:


B- Hahahaha Finn is so clumsy I swear he's gonna end up cutting himself.

K- I wish I could see all this 🥺❤️

B- Don't worry honey I'm getting a lot off videos I will show you them when we get home. Here is a picture tho


K- 😂🤣 they look expensive why are you trust Finn with them?

B- Because he's the strongest and they are really heavy I'm to weak 😢

K- No you're not! yeah Finn is stronger, but you're not weak, You have something he'll never have want to know what?"

B- What? 🤨

K- A brain! 😘🥰


K- what?

B- Finn actually cut himself 🤦🏽

K- Is it bad? 🥺

B- Don't worry it's just a little cut lucky I was prepared and bought Band-Aids on the way here ❤️

K- That was very smart ok I will let you go sort Finn out Love you 🥰😘

B- Ok Bye Love you 😘


C- Kurt I need you I was walking in that field you know where we used to go with Finn and Blaine and I fell over something and hurt my leg could you come help me?

Kurt POV:

Wow that was actually really smooth ahhh I'm so excited I can't wait to party and sing it's gonna be so fun I better text Cooper back.

End of POV:

K- Ok yeah I'm coming just don't move your leg it will make it worse I'll be there as soon as I can Hang Tight xx


Kurt arrives and looks around it's all empty could he have the wrong place "Hello? I'm I at the right place?" Then he feels someone tap him in the shoulder so he looks around then sees Blaine on one knee and holding a ring. He gasps

Blaine smiles  with tears in his eyes "Surprise, wait are you surprised?"

Kurt nodded "Mmm."

Blaine giggles "Well let's see we've been best friends for life. We were each other's First Kiss First date first boyfriends first time heck we were each other's first word." This caused Kurt to chuckle but blaine carried on "I love you and I'm so lucky to have you. I'm so glad I have you. I want us to be together for ever ever and ever for all eternity. fearlessly and forever. So with that said now the world is letting us. Kurt Hummel my amazing Friend my one true love will you marry me?"

Kurt nods "Yes Yes 1 million times yes!"

Blaine got up and slipped the ring on Kurt's finger "I love you."

Kurt kisses him on the lips "I love you too and god this ring is amazing. Ok so I got surprised and propose to on the same day wow. I'm sorry bee but I can't do this in two week."

Blaine giggles "Its ok we can just chill."

Kurt nods "God this ring is stunning I Love it."

Finn and Cooper come out and clap.

Cooper smiles "That was amazing watching the Kurt Hummel be surprised like that is amazing."

Finn nods "So glad we could record it."

Kurt smiles "I knew bee could do it  and I'm glad he did because now I can put my wedding magazines to some use."

Everyone laughs and goes back to Klaine's house to celebrate.


A/N: ok so that's the end I hope you enjoyed this and thanks for reading ❤️

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