Before the first day

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Kurt went into Finn's room and woke him up "Finny?"

Finn woke up "Kurt? What's wrong little bro?"

Kurt tears up and sniffles "I'm scared for my first day of school tomorrow."

Finn sat up in bed and turned on his lamp "What are you scared about?"

Kurt sniffles "Well what if the kids don't like me. I know Bee will be there but I still want the other kids to like me."

Finn nods and remembered he got something for Kurt on his birthday to give to him at the perfect time "They will love you ok?" He said opening his draw "Here This is for you I was gonna wait a little longer but you can have it now."

Kurt looked at it and then sighs "Finny I'm sure this has a nice message on it but I can't read."

Finn giggles "It says, to little brother you are braver stronger and smarter then you know! Remember that always love Finny."

Kurt hugs Finn "Thank you."

Finn hugs him back "You ready for school?"

Kurt nods "Is it ok if I sleep the rest of the night with you?"

Finn moves up to make room for Kurt as soon as they were both on the bed he turned of the light and they both went to sleep.

Anderson house:

Cooper went into Blaine's room and woke him up for the first day of school "Hey blainey, I've not been the best big brother to you so I want to change. So I know how but you hate your curls, even though they are cute. So I got you some hair gel that I will help you use because mom will kill me if you have a gel helmet. I also know how much you are always snooping in my bow tie draw so I got you one of your own."

Blaine tears up "Thank you so much Cooper. I have always wanted you to show that you Love me."

This made Cooper's heart break "I'm sorry but I really hope I have made it up to you and I hope you forgive me. Do you want me to help you get dressed?"

Blaine nods "yes please."


Cooper smiles and sits Blaine on his chair In front of his mirror "Now the trick with hair gel is not to put to much on you see mine you can't tell I'm wear it."

Cooper put a little on his hand and ran it threw Blaine's hair and then got his comb and then made Blaine's hair have a flick to the side "do you like that better?"

Blaine nods happily "yes!"

They both went down stairs to eat breakfast with their parents.

Blake looked at Blaine and raised an eyebrow "You're looking very happy this morning."

Blaine smiles and sat in his place at the table "Well Cooper got me a few things and helped me get ready."

Pam smiles at Cooper "That's great. Your hair is different did you finally get sick of your curls like your daddy?"

Blaine sighs "I have always been sick of my curls Mommy it's only now I have got rid of them."

Pam nods "Ok well eat up big day today and you get to see Kurt."

Blaine frowns "Mommy why don't I get to see Kurt every day he's my best friend and I miss him the minute I leave."

Cooper rolled his eyes "Jeez Blaine are you in love with him or something?"

Blaine became defensive "No he's just my best friend."

Blake smiles "We know son Cooper was just joking! Also me and your mother have something to tell you both after school so no going straight upstairs Cooper."

Blaine frowns "Are we moving further away from Kurtie?"

Cooper dropped his mouth open "Is mom pregnant?"

Blake raised an eyebrow "How the hell is that the first thing you come up with?"

Cooper rolled his eyes "I think you're forgetting my room is right next to yours I'm just a great actor I heard you say it this morning."

Blaine was so confused "What does pagnent mean?"

Cooper sniggers "Pregnant Squirt and it means mommy's gonna have a baby."

Blaine crossed his arms "No I don't want another baby!"

Pam knew this would happen "It's fine Bee ju.."

Blaine cut her off and shouted "Don't call me Bee!"

Blake sighs "Blaine just eat your food so we can go. Also apologies to your mother for shouting at her."

Blaine ignored that and just ate then stopped "You shouldn't of called me bee!" He finished up and stood up and got his bag and went to wait in the living room.

Cooper was confused "Why is he so upset with you calling him Bee?"

Blake sighs "Because your mom probably forgot only Kurt calls him that no one else can it's only Kurt that can call him that."

Pam nods "I didn't forget but I didn't expect that reaction it's just a nickname."

Cooper spoke "expect to Blaine its not just a nickname it's something more. I think him and Kurt Will definitely be in love with each other when they are older. They just doesn't know it yet, that why he got so defensive before when I was being sarcastic."

Blake was confused "What are you saying he's gay?"

Cooper shrugs "Meh could be bi to hard to tell right now. Why do you erm.... not like that?"

Blake thought for a second everything was making scene "The church says it's wrong and I listen to the church, and  he's only 3 how does he know?"

Cooper rolled his eyes "The church isn't always right dad, and did you not here me say HE DOESN'T KNOW?"

Pam smiles "Yeah it's like his hearts reacting but his brains to young to understand why."

Blake nods still a bit confused and his mouth says something he never thought he would "Well then we are gonna have to move closer to the Hummel's we can't be half an hour  away."

Cooper raised an eyebrow "Woah I thought you would want to move to Australia with that information?"

Blake knew why Cooper thought that "I think God has gave me Blaine as a son to teach me a lesson. I have to change my way of living I can't judge people for what their heart wants anymore. If someone as young as Blaine is connected with a boy without even know it then their is no way it's a choice right?"

Cooper hugs his dad "He will appreciate your love when he's older enough to know dad i promise."

Blake sighs "I don't think Blaine is the only reason why you're hugging me cooper." He gave Pam a small smile

Cooper got defensive "Yeah it is!"

Blake laughs "I was joking but you getting defensive is making me think you're lying."

Pam kisses cooper's head "Don't listen to your father he's just trying to tease you it's ok."

Cooper rolled his eyes "what ever can we just go Blaine is gonna be late and so am I."

Blaine stood up and they all walked to the car and Blake drove to Blaine's school first.

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