Blaine's still sick

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A/N: A week after the last chapter.

Pam went into Blaine's room "Are you Feeling better today?"

Blaine sat up and shook his head "No I feel like my chest is closing up even when I use my inhaler."

Pam hates seeing Blaine sick "Kurt misses you. Do you want to go to school or stay off."

Blaine shook his head "I can't go today Moma I'm too sick I miss him too but I don't want to get my friends sick."

Pam nods "I'm gonna make you a doctors appointment because this has been going on for a week and you don't seem to be getting any better."

Blaine nods "Ok I'm sorry."

Pam was confused "Why are you sorry baby?"

Blaine sighs "It's just because I'm gonna be stupid because I'm not going to school so Sorry that you're gonna have a stupid son."

Pam sat on Blaine's bed "Listen you are very smart want me to prove it to you?"

Blaine shrugs his shoulders "Sure."

Pam smiles "Ok what's 25 x 12?"

Blaine thought for a second working it out in his head "300?"

Pam nods "Correct see not many six year olds can work that out in their head not many six year olds know their 3 times tables never mind 25 x 12"

Blaine laughs "So I'm smart even without school?"

Pam kisses Blaine's head "Yeah."


At the doctors

Doctor smith looks at Blaine "So what seems to be the problem."

Pam sighs "Well Blaine and his brother caught something about a week ago Cooper is completely fine now but Blaine just doesn't seem to be getting any better."

Doctor smith nods "Well am gonna run some test see what's wrong."

After the tests:

Doctor smith sighs "Ok so The tests came back and it looks like Blaine is over the bug but was left with a chest infection which is why your Asthma has been bad. So I'm gonna give you some Medicine and if you want you can go back to school next week."

Blaine nods "Ok thank you."


Pam smiles at Blaine "Are you happy you can go to school next week?"

Blaine nods "Yeah Because I can see Kurt and I'm really excited for that."

Pam laughs "Ok well he's coming around tonight so that will be fun."

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