The perfect one

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Blaine ran into the hospital room "Cooper I'm so glad you are ok."

Cooper nods "I know I begged them to tell you but they wouldn't call you."

Blaine sighs "We'll I have something to tell you. So I have to surprise Kurt and I'm gonna propose to him so here is my plan and I hope you can help."

An hour and a half later:

Cooper laughs "Oh he will 100% be surprised. It's not obvious you will be "alone" it's not a big thing you'll get him."


Cooper got out off hospital and is helping Blaine pick out a ring "Bro just pick anything honestly why does it matter?"

Blaine sighs "Coop I have to get a ring that is almost as perfect as him."

Cooper smiles "Awww Squirt is growing up."

Blaine giggles "Looks like your still growing huh?"

Cooper rolls his eyes "Oh how could Kurt ever say no to you?"

Blaine shook his head "I really love him Cooper and I just want to be with him forever and ever."

Cooper made a throwing up sound "You have been together forever and ever. Like you have been best friends since the womb."

Blaine tears up "Cooper please stop making jokes I'm being serious. Gay marriages finally is allowed coop. I can finally marry him. This isn't a joke Coop
This is real and I know you don't care because it doesn't really affect you since you can fall in love with women and it would be like your straight but—."

Cooper cut him off "Blaine let's go find a ring."


Blaine was looking at rings but started getting frustrated he couldn't find the right one

Then an old lady smiles "Hello young man my I help you?"

Blaine looks up "Er well I'm trying to find the perfect ring to ask my Boyfriend to marry me and I can't nothing seems right."

Cooper walks up to Blaine "Listen Blaine please hurry this up."


The lady sighs "So tell me about something him?"

Blaine nods "Well he's sweet and kind and he always puts others before himself. His eyes well I can get lost in them they are as blue as the ocean. I can sit there for my whole life listening to him sing. He's kind and loving and I'm so lucky to be with him."

Cooper smiles "Yep sums him up quite nicely all though I wouldn't of put it that way—"

Blaine coughs "Cooper chill."

The old lady giggles "I think I have just the right ring." She pulled it out and put it on the counter.

Blaine POV

I tear up and just stare at it, it was perfect this was the one I don't care if my bank account goes bye bye. This is for sure the best one. I was just to busy admiring it to actually answer if he wanted it.

End of POV:

Cooper taps Blaine on the shoulder "Earth to Blaine."

Blaine blinks and snaps out off his daze "Huh—  what?"

Cooper laughs "She asked if you liked the ring."

Blaine nods slowly "Yeah thank you." He sniffles and wipes his tears away.


Blaine had the ring now all he needs is a yes and his life is complete.

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