ch. 37: false alarm

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Three weeks later Amanda and ava are in the kitchen, Amanda is sitting at counter bar and ava is standing across from her, Claire and Savannah are still sleeping they had a long night at the trampwall they didn't get home until 12:30am

'Do you know what time brit got home?' Ava asks

'An hour before they did' Amanda says

'You know I think they go there to get away from us for a little bit' Ava says

'They need a break from us let them do their thing let them have their space' Amanda says

'Hey you know what you're right, we're always around them twenty-four seven, we need a break from them too some times' Ava says

'See my point exactly' Amanda says

'I know you going on that mile walk but can I come with you since I know that they probably will go back over to Garrett's' Ava says, Amanda smiles

'Of course you can' Amanda says

'Can what?' Savannah asks, as she walks in the kitchen, they look at her

'She's going with me on my mile walk' Amanda says, Savannah sits beside her, hurt in the inside but happy on the outside

'Oh yeah, its been three weeks since your surgery?' Savannah asks

'Yeah it is' Amanda says, dry to her, ava and Savannah noticed that she was giving her an attitude

'What's with the attitude?' Savannah asks

'Its just that you noticed now it's been three weeks since my surgery and act like now you cared like when cared during my recovery I had to ask ava or your own sister for help while you was too busy to do that stupid trampwall thing!' Amanda screams, she gets up and walks pass Claire

'Ok I know you can't possibly piss her off this early in the afternoon, what was that all about?' Claire asks, she walks up to them, Savannah looks at ava, who's also confused

'I have no idea' Savannah says

'I'll go see what's going on' Ava says, she leaves and goes upstairs


Ava knocks on their door

'Mandy it's me ava, can i come in?' Ava asks

'Yeah' Amanda says, ava walks in and shuts the door, she walks up to her

'Sava is not with you is she?' Amanda asks

'No she's down stairs with Claire who's confused as I am about that our burst you just had in the kitchen just now, what was that all about?' Ava asks

Amanda takes a deep breath and let's it out, she gets up and walks up to her dresser opens it takes out this white towel unwrapes it, it's a pregnancy test and walks up to ava she hands to her, ava looks at it and it's positive


You seen the times has change since 2021 (the parents generation)

Now in 2042 (the kids generation)

In 2042, a girl can get another girl pregnant but not a guy can't get another guy pregnant because of the extra part in the way, with a girl and girl they don't have that extra part they have to use a condom too

The technology change since 2021 so when the parents had the girls Claire, ava, Amanda, Savannah, Caitlin, Addison, Brittany, Hailey, they give them thus shot that some of their eggs can turn into sperm so they are half girl/boy without the extra part


'You're pregnant?' Ava whispers, she sits down on the couch (in the picture)

'Yeah, I knew something was wrong when I didn't get my period yesterday' Amanda says

'Well its clear that Sava doesn't know, when are you going to tell her?' Ava asks

'Well I don't want to get hopes up because we have talk about having kids in the future but not right now well for one we're in college, if I don't have my period tomorrow then i will tell her' Amanda says

'Ok, ok, in the meantime hide this one until then' Ava says

'You're pregnant?' Savannah asks, they look at them, Savannah and Claire are standing beside the bed

'Well we don't know really the test yes but her outburst could be PMS' Ava says, they walk up to her, Savannah sits down in front of Amanda and Claire sits beside Amanda on her left side

'Just like mine said just because it says positive doesn't mean it's true' Claire says

'Oh yeah, you had pregnancy scare last summer too' Amanda says

'Trust me the feeling is great to think that you're carrying another life inside of you until you realized that the test is wrong' Claire says, Amanda hands Savannah the test, She takes it and looks at it

'Did you take anymore?, just to be on the safe side?' Savannah asks

'No, I ran out, I didn't want to use any of yours' Amanda says

'It's fine, how many do you need?' Savannah asks

'Maybe two for now' Amanda says

'We'll be out here if you guys need us' Ava says, Amanda looks at her and smiles

'I'm glad to have friends like you guys to have' Amanda says

'Sisters by chance, friends by choice' Claire says

'Have you been watching liv and maddie again?' Savannah asks, they laugh

'Oh go take care if your girlfriend' Claire says, they laugh

'Alright come on babe' Savannah says, they get up and goes into their bathroom, Savannah gets two of pregnancy out and hands them to her

'Thanks I own you' Amanda says

'Don't worry about it, I'll be with the others' Savannah says

'Ok, love you' Amanda says

'Love you too' Savannah says

Savannah leaves to give her pracy to do the tests, so Amanda does the tests then comes out on a towel, she sits where she was sitting at before, they wait on the test they tell you the results fast so they don't have to wait for long

'Ok they are in' Amanda says, she looks at them

'Just like Claire said just because it says positive doesn't mean you're really pregnant, and I'm not, which means what ava said it must be PMS' Amanda says, Savannah sighs in relief

'As much as I would love to be a mom, right now is not the best time to have a kid' Savannah says

'I agree, thank you for supporting me and I'm sorry for going off on you in the kitchen' Amanda says, Savannah smiles

'It's fine, I'm use to it' Savannah says, she chuckles and kisses her

'Ava would it be ok if Sava went on the mile walk with me instead' Amanda says

'Of course, come on babe' Ava says

'Yes dear' Claire says, they laugh, ava and Claire leaves, Savannah and Amanda goes on their one mile walk

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