Ch. 3: ID

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Everybody is having lunch together one day but Addison isn't there she has to go to the police  station because the cops things that they found the guy who has been robbing the dorms

'Where's Addison at?' Ava asks

'She's at the police station because the cops thinks that they found the person who has been robbing our dorms' Caitlin says

'So is this nightmare finally over with or do we need need to still sleep with a gun under our pillows some more' Savannah says

'Well I hope she can ID this person' Caitlin says

'If she can't then maybe I can' Claire says, everybody looks at her

'Wait you saw that person too?' Dylan asks

'Well I was in the room when Addison was shot, so you tell me' Claire says

'Ok fair point' Dylan says

'Anyways how is she liking photography?' Hailey asks

'She likes it better then a cop' Caitlin says

She's adjusting really well too' Amanda says

It took us a month to figure everything out' Claire says

'I wonder if she's smarter then mom or just as smart as mom is?' Savannah asks

'I'm just going with the second one unlike you I don't get in trouble on purpose to get a reaction out of somebody' Claire says

'Don't tell everybody my secret!' Savannah says

'Eh I already know that' Amanda says

'Well I figure that you would' Savannah says


At the police station Addison is there she's standing in front of this window looking at these guys, she can see them but they can't see her (John Cena 😂)

'Alright Addison take your time and look at them carefully' the guy says

'Ok' Addison says, she looks at each other person carefully

'Number three' Addison says

'Ok thanks Addison' the guy asks, he knocks on the glass

'Another witness was there too, she's the one who basically saved my life I can see if she's willing to ID them too' Addison says

That would be wonderful, let me know if she does or not?' the guy says, Addison smiles

'Ok' Addison says, she gets her phone out and calls Claire


'Its Addison' Claire says, she answers it

'Hey what's up?' Claire says

'Hey um can you come and ID the person too?' Addison asks

'Yeah, I would be happy to help, I'll be right down there in about five minutes' Claire says, Addison smiles

'awesome , I'll see you soon, bye' Addison says

'Bye' Claire says


Claire gets up

'Going to ID them?' Ava asks

'Yup, I'll see you later on, love you' Claire says

'Ok, love you too' Ava says, they and Claire leaves


Claire gets to the police station and walks up to Addison

'Hey' Claire says, Addison looks at her

'Hey' Addison says

'So where do I go?' Claire asks

'Come with me' a guy says, from behind her, they look at her

'Hi I'm agent Morgan' agent Morgan says, he walks up to her

'I'm Claire' Claire says

'Follow me Claire' agent Morgan says, she follows him, they stand in front of the glass window

'Like I told Addison take your time and look at them carefully' agent Morgan says

'Ok' Claire says, she looks at them

'Number three' Claire says

'That's what Addison said too' agent Morgan says

'She didn't tell me who to pick, just in case their thinks that she did' Claire says, agent Morgan smiles

'I never did think that' agent Morgan says

'Good, are we free to go' Claire says

'Yes you guys are, I'll be in touch if you guys have to testify' agent Morgan says

'Ok, come Addison' Claire says, they leave


Claire and Addison gets back to Ava's and Claire's dorm

'How did it go?' Ava asks

'we both ID the same person' Addison says

'yeah but we have to testify' Claire says

'I have to, probably not you' Addison says

'Then it be over with?' Caitlin asks

'for now yes' Addison says

'what do you mean?' Ava asks

'we don't know if this will happen again in the future because anybody can get robbed at any moment of the day' Claire says

'you're never safe, are you?' Caitlin asks

'now days no you're not' Addison says

'we should know that by now since high school' Ava says

'I'm going to take a nap' Addison says

'I got to go to work too' Caitlin says

'see you guys later' Ava says

'Bye' they both says, they leave

'you ok?, you seem jumpy all of a sudden?' Ava asks

'i don't know about testifying' Claire says

'Like you're afraid that this person might have people come after us if you guys do' Ava says

'well testifying does come with a price' Ava says

'that's up to you if you want to testify or not, I know that Addison has to become she's the one who got shot, rather you do or not Addison will know that she still has your support' Ava says

'yeah, I know that, It's just I have never been scared about anything so why is it that I'm scared now?' Claire asks

'I think you will figure that out eventually, but in the meantime let's just sit down relax and watch some tv' Ava says, Claire smiles

'now I know why I married you for' Claire says, Ava chuckles and Claire cuddles up against her and they watch tv

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