ch.5: Ava's anxiety

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One night in the middle of the night Ava locked herself in the bathroom because of her anxiety and what she told Savannah that day of the wife swap then Claire reaches for Ava but she feels the mattress she opens her eyes and sees that Ava is gone she sits up and looks around then she hears crying from the bathroom she gets up and knocks on the door

'Babe, are you ok?' Claire asks

'Does it sound like I'm ok?' Ava asks, Claire sighs

'Ok wrong question to ask but in my defense I just woke up from a deep sleep wondering where my beautiful wife went to, can you unlock the door please?' Claire asks

Ava reaches up and unlocks the door she's sitting beside the door then Claire walks in and looks down

'Oh I didn't know that you was that close to the door' Claire says, she shuts the door and bend down in front of her

'What's got anxiety up for?' Claire asks

'Just something that I told sava the day we swap wives for the day big mistake on my part' Ava says

'Why's that?' Claire asks

'I told her something and made her promise not to tell anybody else' Ava says

'Well I'm your actual wife so should it you told me instead' Claire says

'I couldn't because it was about you, and you always make fun of me when I tell you those things but with sava she didn't she listened and said it was cute that I was talking about it' Ava says

'Oh about you talking about memories of us?' Claire asks

'No Claire cats and dogs getting along finally' Ava says, sarcastically, Claire chuckles

'Ok, ok, I'm sorry, ok how do I make fun of them?' Claire asks

'When we went to that Waterpark in high school and every time I get to the part that I feel and half of my swimsuit came off you start laughing then I get mad then we don't talk for awhile then we do talk we don't talk about it' Ava says

'I laugh because it's a funny story to tell' Claire says

'Yeah, but only when the mood is right, which you can't tell the difference anyways, let's go back to bed because we have breakfast with Amanda and Savannah in the morning' Ava says, She tries to get up

'Ok, ok, hang on for a second' Claire says, she stops Ava from getting up

'You're right ok, I didn't realize that the mood was different when you told me this story I was just focus on the story I thought that you was telling a funny story about us that's why I laugh when you get to that certain part of the story' Claire says

'I understand that but for now when it's just us like it is now then it's serious please take it seriously unless the mood is light then you can laugh but when it's with the others and we're laughing then you can laugh' Ava says, Claire smiles

'Of course, now that I know what mood to laugh and not laugh' Claire says

'Maybe I should have told you this along time ago then I won't be in the bathroom having an anxiety attack' Ava says

'Really?' Claire asks, sarcastically

'Shut up' Ava says, she pushes her playfully, Claire chuckles, she sits on the bathtub

'You know what I was going to say?' Ava asks

'What's that?' Claire asks

'Something that might have break us and get a divorce was 'maybe I picked the wrong sister to marry', I don't know how I would feel if I was in your shoes probably heart broken for one' Ava says

'Honestly I don't think you and Savannah would make a good couple because you have low energy and Savannah has energy because of her ADHD' Claire says

'Yeah but you have it too' Ava says

'Yes but with sava she can't sit still for me I just can't focus on anything without my medicine' Claire says

'Does sava take medicine?' Ava asks

'If she or Amanda remembers too' Claire says

'Yeah I can't see me and Savannah as a couple, I don't know how Amanda puts up with her' Ava says, Claire chuckles

'Didn't you tell me at one point that you liked sava at one point before we got together' Claire says

'Oh yeah in between when I was trying my feelings for you and her but I'm glad that me and you got together, you know why?' Ava asks

'Why?' Claire asks

'Because I just picture me and her having kids which means it's time for bed' Ava says, Claire chuckles and they get up then goes back to bed


Later that morning it's just Claire and Amanda because Ava is afraid that Savannah will make fun of her and Savannah has a cold, Savannah overheard Claire telling Amanda why Ava isn't coming either so she decides to set things straight between them, Savannah walks in their dorm and Ava is sitting in the middle of the living room cleaning the coffee table

'Hey' Savannah says

'Hey, shouldn't you be resting before Amanda kills you for not resting' Ava says

'I told that I had to set things right between us' Savannah says

'I'm going to kill my wife when she gets home' Ava says, Savannah chuckles

'Well technically you didn't tell her to tell Amanda and I overheard them talking so' Savannah says

'Ok what do you want to talk about?' Ava asks

'Ok yes I will probably tease you about you liking me and other stuff you said but I wouldn't do it in public because this is more of a private tease that's betweenus four, ok that didn't come out right but you get what I'm saying' Savannah says, Ava smiles

'Yeah I do' Ava says

'But the way that Claire was telling Amanda why you didn't want to go with them, it feel right for me to tease you about it because I know how it's like to be teased about liking somebody and I don't wish that on anybody to feel embarrassed like I was especially you, because I don't just see you as my sister-in-law I think that's what you are to me but anyways I see you as one of my best friends' Savannah says

'Ok, now I understand why Amanda liked you so much in high school' Ava says, she wipes her tears, Savannah chuckles and smiles

'I would hug you but you're sick' Ava says

'I know that's why I'm standing behind the couch, after I'm not sick anymore we can' Savannah says, Ava points to her

'I'm going to hold you to that promise' Ava says

'I know you will' Savannah says

'Alright now get out of here and get some rest' Ava says

'Yes ma'ma, love you' Savannah says

'Love you too' Ava says, Like a friendly love you, Savannah leaves

'Oh god, what a morning already' Ava says, she chuckles and goes back to cleaning

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