ch. 1: sophomore year

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It's the first day of sophomore year

First class music Dylan and Andrew

'Welcome back to school ladies and gentlemen I know some of you guys had mixture of good and bad summer, so I want you guys to pick a song that reminds you of your summer and sing it to all of us, at the end of the week, you may begin' the professor says

'This should be interesting' Dylan says

'Yeah, no kidding' Andrew says, they start looking up songs to sing


Second class business Zach

His professor walks up to him

'Well Zach I hard you had a busy summer' his professor says, Zach looks at him

'Oh yeah, I did I built three houses this summer' Zach says

'One each month' a student says, he laughs, Zach rolls his eyes

'Well at least he built them instead of on the computer' the professor shots back, Zach chuckles and the student turns back around to his computer


Third class nursing Brittany

'So did you and Hailey have fun at the beach house' one of Brittany's friends asks

'Yeah for the most part besides relationship drama and Andrew escaping' Brittany says, her friend rubs her arm in comfort

'Ok class today we're going to recap what we learn last year, now who can tell how to look for a injury that's not showing on the surface' the professor says


Fourth class therapist Hailey

'Ok class last year we talk about what goes on inside of somebody's else mind but today I want you guys to write down what's going on in your no essays just write down everything that you're thinking about, it be scrambled all of the place' her professor says

'Great' Hailey mumbles to herself, she starts writing down her thoughts


Fifth class dance class Caitlin

'Ok once we get stretching is done i want you guys to start practicing the dance moves you did over the summer' the teacher says

'Oh shit!' Caitlin whispers to herself

'Forgot to them' one of friends whispers

'Yeah, I did, I was going to do them but Andrew decide to show up' Caitlin whispers, I'm screwed she thinks to herself


Sixth class fashion ava

Ava's professor walks up to her and looks the drawings
'Wow ava these are getting better each time, have you been practicing over the summer' her professor says

'Yeah, Claire had to get me away from it here and there because I would be in our room all day' Ava says, her professor chuckles

'Keep up the good ava' her professor says, ava smiles

'Thank you' Ava says, her professor walks away, a girl gives ava this bitchy look but ava doesn't notice it


Seventh class photography Amanda and Claire

'Welcome back to school everybody I'm your new professor Mr. Lopez and I'll be taking over Mr. Miller for the rest of your guys time here' Mr. Lopez says, everybody looks at Amanda and starts whispering, Claire squeezes Amanda's arm in comfort, Amanda smiles at her

'Thank you' Amanda says

'Don't you people have anything else to talk about like who'sboyfriend is sleeping with who and last year shoes' Claire says, Amanda chuckles, everybody goes back to what they was doing


Eighth class theater Savannah, sherry, and Maia

Savannah didn't want to go back to modeling and stay with theater Mr. Murphy wants to see some videos that they did with the trampwall

'Ok I can't do any of that I might break a hip' Mr. Murphy says, they laugh

'You wanna see sherry trying to do a back flip just on the trampoline' Savannah says

'Yes please' Mr. Murphy says

'Oh god' sherry says, Savannah shows them the video, they laugh

'Better then i would' Mr. Murphy says, they laugh


Classes are over with now in photography, Amanda walks up to Claire

'Hey, Claire can you do me a favor?' Amanda asks, Claire looks at her

'Of course what's up' Claire says, she puts her back around her neck

'Can you come with me to the dean's office I want to talk to him about something but i just need somebody there for moral support, i would ask sava but i don't know where we stand at right now ever since we got back from florida she's been distanced' Amanda says

'Yeah, I can go with you and I know why Sava has been distance is because she's working on your guys second anniversary later on this year, she said to tell if you was starting to get worried about you and her' Claire says

'I knew it was a surprise because I know she wouldn't cheat on me' Amanda says, Claire smiles

'Trust me, she's the most loyal lover you will ever get she will give you her heart if you give her yours too' Claire says, Amanda smiles

'Trust me, I know, come on lets go' Amanda says


So Claire is standing across the dean's office then Savannah walks towards her and Claire looks at her

'Hey' Claire says

'Sup' Savannah says, she walks up to her and stands beside her

'I had to tell her what you was working on why you been distance' Claire says

'I thought you would had to, do you know she has to talk to him about?' Savannah asks

'No, but something happen in class today after our professor introduce himself Amanda started to get stares and whispers, so I had to squeeze her arm for comfort then i told off the class by saying they should worried about who's boyfriend is sleeping with who and last years shoes' Claire says, Savannah laughs

'I'm glad she has you in that class with her ever since that happened she hasn't really been the same' Savannah says

'I know I miss the old' Claire says

'Me too' Savannah says, then the door opens and Amanda walks out, she shuts the door

'Oh hey babe' Amanda says, she smiles and walks up to her she kisses her

'Hey love' Savannah says

'How did it go?' Claire asks

'I talk to him about me getting a emotional support dog here on campus he's going to talk to board about it and get back to me on it' Amanda says

'It's that bad, huh?' Claire asks

'Yeah, it is' Amanda says, she wipes her tears away and Savannah hugs her and kisses her on the head

'Lets go back to our dorms' Savannah says, Amanda nods yes and they head back to their dorms

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