ch. 12: graduation pt.2

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So everybody got there and hang out with their kids before they graduated, fast forward after graduation because we know how graduation works

In what used to be Ava's and Claire's dorm, Mona, Aria, Abuelita, Savannah and Amanda are there hanging out there

'Man these past four years flew by' Mona says

'Probably because you drank most of those years' Savannah says, everybody laughs

'Well that was a interesting graduation' Claire says

'Who knew Abuelita had dirt on the dean' Mona says

'It runs in the family' Ava says

'Abuelita, how did you know that the dean was having an affair?' Savannah asks

'I may have run into a lady in a bar, I give her one of one of my special cookies and she let loose, literally words and physically' Abuelita says

'That's one way to let people tell their dirty secrets' Mona says

'Interesting' Ava says

'What were your guys' favorite moments here?' Aria asks

'Other then getting married, I think the first or second year being here I don't remember which year but when we all tried trampwall some of us stick to it, others didn't' Amanda says

'I heard from some of them that the reason they didn't stick to it is because they didn't like it' Savannah says

'What are you guys doing this summer?' Abuelita asks

'Well if our parents want us to stay this summer until everybody figures out what they are doing with their lives' Claire says

'Of course you guys can come back home, the door is always open for the both of you' Mona says, she looks at Claire then Savannah

They hangs out for a little bit longer until Savannah and puts the moving boxes in the moving truck


Once they everything in the moving truck they leave, everybody else and the parents already back home, Savannah and Claire are in the moving truck and Ava and Amanda are in the car behind them, they already took Savannah's, Amanda's and Claire's cars back home

Everything is going smoothly until the front tire on the right side falls the truck goes down and Savannah loses control of the truck runs into the Rosewood welcome sign and into the woods and hits a tree, Ava pulls over and they get out and runs towards them, they see Savannah and Claire walk out of the woods, they run up to them

'What the hell just happened!?' Savannah asks

'I don't know' Claire says, looking at the truck

'Are you guys ok?' Amanda asks

'I am, I think we're just shaken up a little bit' Savannah says

'Let's call our parents let them handle this, while we get you guys to the hospital just to make sure everything is ok' Ava says

'Sounds good' Savannah says, they look at Claire who's just staring at the woods

'Babe you ok?' Ava asks

'Yeah, it's just Abuelita thought that she Dylan doing something to our moving truck before we left' Claire says, she looks at them

'Dylan?, the same Dylan who jumps every time he's around me, that Dylan?' Savannah asks

'Yeah' Claire says

'No, no, she might be onto to something I saw Dylan's medical papers when he came home from the hospital on the kitchen counter and it said he could have some side effects from his brain injury that he could do reckless things to others or himself but acts normal around other people until he's alone, and won't remember doing the reckless stuff' Amanda says

'You're just telling us now!?' Savannah screams at Amanda

'Ok, ok, let's not blame anybody yet ok, we don't have enough proof that it was him, let's get this settled then get you guys to the hospital' Ava says

'Yeah, let's do that' Claire asks

So they get the parents help on the moving truck and gets Claire and Savannah to the hospital


Later that night Claire and Savannah are medical clear no concussions, Savannah apologized to Amanda for screaming at her earlier and of course Amanda forgive her, at Mona's and Aria's house, Savannah, Claire, Amanda, and Ava are sitting outside while the others are inside talking and laughing

'I think after what Amanda said earlier that we keep an eye on Dylan just in case he does more reckless stuff, for our safety and everybody else's safety especially Andrew's safety because he lives with them' Claire says, they all agrees

'This is going to an interesting summer' Amanda says

'Why's that?' Mona asks, she walks up to them and sees the looks on their faces

'Now what's wrong?' Mona asks, they tell her and first Mona drinks the rest of her wine

'You know what that you guys mentioned it, he has been acting jumpy all night, I'll keep an eye on him too, just keep this between us until I get more evidence' Mona says

'Ok' Claire says, Mona goes back inside

'Well that's one person that you want on your side' Savannah says

'For sure' Ava says

Despite everything going the other four joins the others inside and celebrates them graduating from college and pretends that Nothing is wrong they talk to Dylan now and then, now they have to wait and see how this summer goes for everybody

And oh boy is it doozy!

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