ch. 12: Ava's and Claire's wedding pt. 2

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They are getting married on the pier like Ava wanted happy wife happy life, Everybody is standing where they're supposed to stand or sit at all of the girls are on Ava's side but Andrew and all of the guys are on Claire's side but Dylan, Claire is standing in her spot and Aria has her marriage licence to marry people so she's going to marry them then the song starts to play for the bride to walk down the aisle everybody stands up Claire is speechless and Alison walks Ava down the aisle they stop at the end

'Who gives this lady to this other lady?' Aria asks

'Me and her mom does' Alison says, Ava stands in front of Claire and Alison sits down beside Emily

'We are gathered here today to watch Ava and Claire to be married, now if anybody rejects of having these two married speak now or forever your peace' Aria says, Amanda looks at Savannah with that death stare like don't fucking joke about doing that (MrAmbrose1 cue the jaws theme song)

'Ava and Claire have wrote their vows, Ava would like to first' Aria says

she takes a step back, Ava holds Claire's hands, Ava takes a deep breath and let's it out, Claire squeezes her hands to let her know that everything is ok

'Ok, as I stand here before you, looking into your eyes, I see all of the things I fell in love with

As I stand here before you, my heart beating so strongly, I find myself so lost for the right words to say

As I stand before you, this ring in my hand, it makes me remember hos complete you make my life. It makes me remember every laugh we've shared, every hard time we made it though together, and every beautiful moment there is to come

I give you this ring, my heart, my soul. I give you everything I am today as I stand before you. Promise to love you, protect you, be with you forever, and cherish every moment

With this ring, let it be known I chose you. Let it be known, that with this ring, I promise to be with you for all eternity, til death due us part' Ava says, she smiles at Claire and she smiles back at Ava

'Claire its your turn' Aria says

'I don't know if i can top that but I'll try to match it though' Claire says, everybody laughs

'Ok, here we go, I take you to be my best friend, my faithful partner, and my one true love

I promise to encourage you and inspire you and to love you truly through good times and bad

I will forever be there to laugh with you, to lift you up when you are down and to love you unconditionally through all of our adventures in life together

Some people well say that we're too young to be getting married and to me I think back to that day when we first met in pre-school I knew right there and then that I would married this beautiful smart sexy selfless patient woman standing in front of me

I promise to love you, to protect you, and respect you til death due us part' Claire says, everybody wipes tears away, Aria walks back up

'May we have the rings please?' Aria asks, Savannah hands Claire Ava's ring and Caitlin hands Ava Claire's ring

'Claire do take Ava to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in heath, to love and to cherish until death due you guys part' Aria says, Claire smiles

'I do' Claire says, she slips Ava's ring on her ring finger

'And Ava do you take Claire to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in heath, to love and to cherish until death due you guys part' Aria says, Ava says

'I do' Ava says, she slips Claire's ring on her ring finger

'With the power within me I now pronounce you Mrs. And Mrs. Vanderwaal Montgomery dilaurentis, you may kiss the bride!' Aria says, Claire kisses Ava, everybody cheers and whilstes, Claire and Ava walks down the aisle holding hands


Claire and Ava are sitting at a table in the front of room and Amanda and Savannah are sitting beside them

'Ok now it's time for the best woman speech from Claire's sister Savannah vanderwaal Montgomery' the guy says, in the microphone, Claire puts her hands over her head

'Oh god' Claire says, Amanda and Ava laughs, the guy passes the microphone to Savannah, she stands up

'Oh boy this is going to be good' Savannah says, in the microphone

'As you and Ava move on, onto you your guys new chapter in life I hope you guys well find happiness at the end of it, in between happy times and bad times, like the time at camp where Claire was getting her make over done at and when she came out of the water in the lake with only half of bikini on her, the northern states and flash the whole camp' Savannah says, in the microphone, everybody laughs including Ava because she didn't know Claire had that happened to her, Claire puts her head down on the table in embarrassment

'Happy times like right now marrying your best friend and soulmate, meeting your guys first child together, to my sister who I love dearly and to my sister in law, I hope I said that right, I wish nothing but love and happiness to years to come' Savannah says, in the microphone, everybody claps and cheers, Claire gets up and hugs her so does ava

After Savannah's best woman speech they decide it's time to have fun on the pier and on the trampwall that is on the beach that will be in the next chapter

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