ch. 3: the truth

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Dylan's and Andrew's dorm

Dylan is sitting on the couch getting ready for to spend some time with Savannah and Claire, Andrew is going to the gym with ava and Amanda, Andrew walks out their bedroom

'Morning' Andrew says, he yawns

'Morning' Dylan says, dry

'You ok?' Andrew asks, Dylan gets his phone out and hands it to him, it's a text from Lucas saying he and Caleb are getting a divorce

'Holy shit!' Andrew says

'Keep reading' Dylan says, they been separated for the past two years

'Why couldn't they just tell you this before?' Andrew asks, he hand Dylan his phone back to him

'He said so that way i won't have go back and forth from house to house' Dylan says

'Ok I can understand that but even if they separated two years ago and knew about it then they got divorce would you live them any less?' Andrew asks

'No, I would understand that that had problems but why stay together for those two years when they didn't love each other for why because of the kid who would why they are divorcing' Dylan says

then there's a knock on the door, Andrew walks up to the door and answers it's Amanda and the other's he let's them in they walk in

'Is he ok?' Claire asks

'Caleb and Lucas separated for the past two years and now they are getting divorce' Andrew says

'Wait what?' Ava says, in disbelief, Dylan tells them what he told Andrew

'I can't imagine what you're going through, all i can do, we can do is to be there for you support you in any way that we can' Amanda says

'Thank you I appreciate it' Dylan says

'I may not the divorce part of it but i do understand the separation part of it' Savannah says, as she walks up to Dylan and sits down beside him she looks at him, Dylan looks at her too

'When I was going through my addiction, the reason why is because my parents were separated and I always said I did it because running with the wrong crowd which wasn't true it was because of parents separated nobody knows what the real reason was that made me start doing drugs and start drinking, not even Amanda until now, they didn't know what was going on with me until they came to my room one morning and saw me unresponsive that's when they knew something was wrong so they call 911 they took Me to the hospital and that's when they found out that I had OD on sleeping medication and alcohol, they kept it hush hush until now, that's why you guys didn't see me or heard from me for awhile is because I recovering from my OD at the hospital then i had to go to rehab you guys knew about that part, it was like a cry for help for my parents to notice what pain they put me through because I couldn't talk to them like i wanted to because they would never listen, I basically saved my parents marriage not the way I wanted to but i did, the hardest thing i ever my mom say is finding your only child unresponsive is like having your heart rip out and smash to the ground then stepping on it, basically what I'm saying is don't fight with them, don't ignore them because you're hurt because trust me it will lead you down the path that lead me down' Savannah says

Dylan wipes her tears away, Savannah chuckles because she didn't realize that she was crying, everybody is in shock about what they just heard Amanda walks up to her and wipes her tears away with a tissue

'Um how about we all go to the gym instead to um get over this shocking information' Andrew says, they all agrees on that

'We'll see you guys downstairs one you guys need to change and two I'm pretty sure that Claire and Amanda wants to talk to Savannah alone real quick' Dylan says, he's already in a shirt and shorts

'You going to be ok alone?' Ava asks

'Um ava you can stay too because I know that she needs you right now' Savannah says, Amanda is sitting on her lap

'Ok' Ava says

'We'll see you guys downstairs' Andrew says

'Ok' Ava says, him and Dylan leaves, they have a gym downstairs, ava sits on the coffee table, Claire is standing in shock still

'I don't know where to begin at for the first time in my life I'm speechless' Claire says, she sits down beside Savannah

'But we are grateful that you're sitting here breathing and talking to us' Claire says

'Now you can talk to anyone of us if you need to get your feelings out, if it's me, Claire, Dylan and so on, we will be here for you' Ava says

'And I know what you're going to say that you're sorry for not telling us the truth babe you had every right to keep that a secret until you was ready to tell us' Amanda says, Savannah smiles

'Thank you understanding and not judging me I appreciate that and I'll keep that in mind about what you said ava' Savannah says, ava smiles

'Good because look at what did to our relationship' Ava says, she points to Claire and then herself

'Like I said before the key to a successful relationship is communication and trust' Savannah says

'And that is right because it's working for our relationship' Amanda says, she kisses her on the lips

'Wait until my mom hears about this' Claire says

'God bless American' Savannah says, they laugh

'I wouldn't be surprise if Mona shows up here to make sure that you're fine' Ava says

'And who's going to stop here' Savannah says

'No one' Claire says

'Do you guys really want to go to the gym?' Savannah asks

'Not really, you?' Amanda asks ava

'No, we can go on a double date we haven't been on one for awhile' ava says

'I'll test Dylan about change of plans' Claire says, so she does and they are fine with that, they get change and heads out

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