ch. 9: randonautica

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A/n if you don't know what randonautica is I highly recommend you watch some videos on YouTube to understand this chapter


Lately Savannah has been doing randonautica and the app has been putting her into dangerous situations but then again it could be her intent is which has been scary, horror, etc and Amanda doesn't like what Savannah has been doing and she told Savannah to stop using the app usually Savannah does listen to Amanda when she tells her to stop doing something that she shouldn't be doing but Savannah is going to pull a prank on Amanda because she has done one for awhile she's going to act like she's addicted to the app

One day Amanda and Ava are having a wives day and Savannah thinks that it's the perfect time to do randonautica so she's packing a book bag then Claire walks in their bedroom Savannah looks at her

'Oh its just you, I thought it was Amanda' Savannah says

'No, it's just me' Claire says, she sees that Savannah Is packing a book bag then puts two and two together

'You're not going to do randonautica are you?' Claire asks

Savannah looks at her and looks out the bedroom to see if Amanda is out there and she's not thank God Savannah shuts the door and walks up to Claire, and Claire can tell that Savannah has her 'pulling a prank on Amanda' look on her face

'Oh my God, what prank are you going to pull on Amanda this time?' Claire asks

'Ok so I did stop playing the randonautica app, I haven't deleted it yet because I know this mental hospital close to here it's abandoned and I'm going to pretend that I was randonautica took me there but in reality I'm actually going to delete the app because I know that she wants to see if I still have the app or not she has have my location so also in reality I'm just going to explore it' Savannah says

'Oh my God Savannah, Amanda is going to kill you' Claire says

'I know' Savannah says, she starts laughing

'You think that this is funny?' Claire asks

'No I'm nervous because I don't know what Amanda is going to do when she gets there' Savannah says

'Ok, one I'm coming with you because you don't who could be there, two can you wait until tomorrow because today is wives day, and three I want to see it too' Claire says

'Oh yeah, that is true to both, especially the second one because I don't want a piss off wife on wives day, on any other day it's fine unless it's her birthday or our anniversary' Savannah says

'My point exactly' Claire says

'Ok tomorrow it is' Savannah says

'Good luck trying to hide that book bag' Claire says, she leaves, Savannah looks at the book bag

'Damn it' Savannah says


It's the next day Savannah and Claire are at the abandoned mental hospital

'Honey I'm home' Claire says, they laugh

They look around for about twenty minutes until Ava and Amanda shows up

'Guys?' Ava asks, as they are walking down this hallway

'In here babe' Claire says, She shines her flashlight onto the ceiling they walk in

'Hey, what made you guys come here for?' Ava asks

Amanda walks up to Savannah, she's looking out the window she see and feel Amanda looking at her without looking she gets her phone out and hands it to her Amanda looks on her phone she sees that Savannah has deleted the randonautica app Savannah looks at her

'Thanks for trusting me' Savannah says, in a sad voice, she walks out of the room

Now Claire knows that things has changed usually when Savannah pulls a prank on Amanda she usually winks at Claire but Savannah didn't this time

'Ok things has changed now' Claire says, Ava and Amanda looks at her confused

'What do you mean babe?' Ava asks, Claire explains the prank that Savannah was going to pull on Amanda

'And then when she just walked out she didn't wink at me like she usually does, she wanted to do it yesterday but it was wives day but I talked her into doing it today but I guess at some point between than and now she changed her mind' Claire says

'Come on let's go find her because she's alone which is not good in a abandoned building' Amanda says

'Good idea' Ava says, they leave


They start looking for her and can't find her

'Ok this is not funny anymore' Ava says

'I know, Savannah!?' Amanda screams

'You guys look down that way of the hallway and I'll look down this way' Amanda says

'Ok' Ava says

They go their separate ways as soon as Amanda walks in the last room she feels someone pick her up and spines her around she starts screaming and kicking the person

'Ok, ok, relax, relax, it's just me' Savannah says, Amanda realizing that it's Savannah

'Oh my God babe, Jesus crist' Amanda says, Savannah puts her down then Ava and Claire runs in

'Hey, you ok?' Ava asks

'No, I need a new heart' Amanda says, Savannah starts laughing

'I thought you was actually upset because you didn't wink at me when you was leaving' Claire says

'I decided to make the prank longer because just showing her the phone and her playfully hitting me wasn't going to be that interesting for the audience which was you and Ava and all of the ghost here too' Savannah says

'Ah I see now' Claire says

'Are you ok though?' Savannah asks Amanda

'Yeah, are you though because I kicked you a lot' Amanda says

'Eh nothing that I can't handle' Savannah says, Amanda kisses her and hugs her

'Anyways let's get out of here I feel like we are being watched or followed' Ava says

'Yeah good idea, let's go' Savannah says, they leave And heads back to their dorms

And Ava was right someone was watching them and following them but they just didn't stop at the abandoned mental hospital they followed them all the way back to their dorms too

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