ch.10: wedding planning

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A couple of days later, Savannah, Amanda, Claire and Ava are having breakfast together

'This week has been crazy week' Savannah says

'Oh yeah' Ava says

'How are you guys holding up since that night?' Claire asks

'Amanda has been shaken up still, me I'm still traumatized about it but too shaken up about it' Savannah says

'This is my first time being out of apartment since then' Amanda says, Ava puts her hand on her shoulder and rubs it

'Any updates on Dylan?' Savannah says

'They had to put him in a coma so that way his body can fully heal' Ava says

'Makes sense' Savannah says

'I know that i saw him literally drop dead right in front of me but he us really really dead?' Amanda says

'Yeah he is, Aria made sure he was this time' Claire says

'I can't imagine what Caleb and Lucas are going through right now again' Ava says

'Oh yeah Thats right he was in a coma while in Florida in high school because somebody or multiple people beat him up' Savannah says

'Yup that's right' Claire says

'Anyways let's talk about something more on a lighter note, let's talk about you guys getting married next year' Ava says

'Yeah, how's that going so far?' Claire says

'Well it's going great so far' Savannah says

'So far we have a location, my dress that Ava drew for me, Savannah's suit or dress whatever which one she wants to wear, the rings of course' Amanda says

'Gotta have those' Claire says

'Which comes to why we asked you guys here for' Savannah says

'Oh boy here we go' Ava says, they laugh

'We was wondering if you guys would be our best women at our weeding, Ava will be mine best women and Claire oblivious will be Savannah's best women' Amanda says, Ava looks at Claire

'What do you think babe?' Ava asks

'I have no choice I'm related to it, what about you?' Claire asks

'At least mine is mature' Ava says

'I agree to that' Claire says, Ava looks at Amanda

'But seriously though I would be honored to be your best women at your guys wedding' Ava says, Amanda smiles

'Thank you' Amanda says, she hugs her and Ava smiles

'You're welcome' Ava says, they stop hugging and looks at Savannah and Claire, Ava kicks Claire in the shin

'Mmmmmmm' Claire says, in between her teeth, she looks at Savannah

'I would be horned too to be your best women at your guys wedding too' Claire says, Savannah smiles

'Thank you' Savannah says, Claire smiles

'You're welcome' Claire says, Savannah kisses her on the head

'Aw' Ava and Amanda says, at the same time

'And for that you guys are paying the bill' Savannah says, Claire chuckles

'You see this is what i mean by being immature' Ava says

'Yeah but I'm the funny immature, not the jerk immaure one' Savannah says

'I would differently not put up with that' Amanda says

'She would probably back hand you if you was a jerk' Claire says

'Oh yeah, for sure!' Savannah says

'You said Amanda that you guys have a location already?, where's it at?' Claire asks

'We know that not everybody is a religious so we're going to have it on the beach in front of a preacher, so that way we make everybody happy' Amanda says

'It's your guys wedding if you guys want to get married in a church then do it, who cares what everybody else thinks, if they don't accept where it's at then that's on them, not you guys' Ava says

'I think people can suck it up to be in a church to an hour and a half to see you guys get married but it's your guys wedding you guys can do whatever you guys want to' Claire says

'We also choose the beach because everybody can have a relaxing setting as well' Savannah says

'The next thing is what cake tasting?' Amanda asks

'Yeah it is' Savannah says

'Hopefully Dylan is healthy enough to make it' Ava says

'Did they say how long he'll be in a coma for?' Amanda asks

'No they didn't' Claire says

'Anyways what do you guys want to do now?' Savannah asks

'Wanna go see a movie?' Amanda asks

'Sure, what's playing?' Savannah asks

'I think scream fifty-six is' Ava says

'Damn there's been fifty-six movies, Jesus when was the first one made what 1996 way before any of us was even born yet' Claire says

'Wow that's crazy, so right around when our parents was born actually' Ava says, Savannah pays and they leave

'I heard it picks off where it left off at in scream fifty-five' Claire says

'Oh boy that the person that played ghost face's eyes opening up in the hospital room scared the shit outta me' Savannah says, they laugh

So they get to the movie theater and goes in, they pay and goes watches the movie


So they get back to Amanda's and Savannah's dorm, they walk in Mona and Aria looks at them

'Hey, how was your guys day?' Aria asks

'Good actually, we just watched scream fifty-six' Ava says

'How was this one on a five start rating?' Mona asks

'I would say a 4.2' Amanda says

'Agreed' Savannah says

'Anywhere from a four to a five because they had a lot twist and turns in this one' Ava says

'I don't know who screamed louder Ava or Amanda?' Savannah asks

'I would say dead even' Claire says, Savannah chuckles and Ava flips them off

'No thanks I don't want a threesome, I'm happy with what I got' Savannah says

'I could just...' Ava starts saying, and walking towards Savannah before Claire stops her

'Ok, ok, everybody calm down' Claire says

Ava takes a deep breath and let's it out then she walks away Amanda walks up to Savannah and slaps her on the shoulder like what were you thinking!

'Anyways any word on Dylan?' Claire asks, she walks up to her parents

'No, not yet, Caleb and Lucas are still down though, they haven't left his side since they found him' Aria says

'I can't imagine what they are both going through right now?' Ava says, she sits down beside Mona

'I can I remember when they had to put Sava in a coma' Amanda says

she walks up behind Ava and them Savannah walks up behind Amanda she puts her arms around her and kisses her on the cheek

'Well I have Faith and strength that Dylan will make it out alive and healthy again' Mona says

They all have a moment of silence for Dylan and praying that he will make it out alive and healthy again,  then after that everybody goes about their day

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