ch. 15: Hawaii: memories

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It's the next morning in Hawaii Claire just woke up and Ava has her head on her chest Claire starts rubbing her eyes which makes Ava stirs Claire looks down at her she smiles then looks at the clock and 10:15

'Mi Amor it's almost 10:30' Claire says, Ava groans and lays on top of Claire and opens her eyes, they meet Claire's eyes

'Morning Mi amor' Claire says, she kisses her on the head because of morning breath

'Morning' Ava says, in a tired voice

'I think we both tired each other out last night' Claire says, Ava blushes and puts her head on Claire's chest

'Hey now you don't have to be shy anymore about the things that we say to each other anymore especially dirty jokes' Claire says, Ava lifts her head up

'I don't know why it just feels like I'm in this dream and I'm about to wake up' Ava says, Claire smiles

'Trust me it's not a dream' Claire says

'Anyways what's the plan for today?' Ava says

'Well by the time that we get up and get ready it'll probably noon, so how having lunch beach sound or at a restaurant' Claire says

'Yeah we can do that, who's to take a shower first?' Ava asks

'Why don't we take one together' Claire says

'You know what happens when we do that, we almost got caught that one time by Aria in high school' Ava says, Claire smiles

'But they always say morning sex it's the best sex' Claire says, Ava blushes

'Ok let's go' Ava says, she gets up and so does Claire they get their stuff and goes to the bathroom


At the beach they sit down they got subway, yes there's subways in Hawaii they are sitting under a umbrella

'I wish that we can stay here forever' Ava says, she takes a bite of her sub

'I know I told Mona that after I went her the pictures of hotel room and she said I don't blame you' Claire says, she takes a bite out of her sub

'Can I ask you something?' Ava asks

'Of course' Claire asks, she takes a bite out of her sub

'The night that everything went down between us, you said that you had feelings for me two weeks before that night, what exactly made you see me in that way?' Ava asks, she takes a bite out of her sub

'Actually what we're doing right now but we was at the park instead under a tree eating sandwiches and you got sauce on the side of your mouth and when I wipe it off and when we look into each others eyes I saw that sparkle in yours that I never did see before with anybody that I 'dated' before' Claire says, she air quotes around dated because people only used her for brain

'Oh yeah, i actually do remember that and when we was staring at each other I saw that you saw that sparkle in my eyes that's why you look away so fast to avoid your feelings for me at the time' Ava says, she takes a bite out of her sub

'I'm glad that I didn't wait that long to tell you how I felt about you' Claire says

'Why's that?' Ava asks, Claire looks at her, Ava takes a bite out of her sub

'You don't remember, you was talking to a girl at the time' Claire says, she takes a bite out of her sub

'Oh yeah, that's right thank god you said something right away' Ava says

'Why's that?' Claire asks

'She just wanted sex' Ava says

'Of course she did' Claire says

'Yeah, so that's why i said thank god that you Said something at that time' Ava says, Claire smiles

'I'm always good with time' Claire says, she winks at Ava

'And delivery' Ava says, Claire starts choking in her sandwich

Oh my god I'm so sorry' Ava says, she starts patting her back, once Claire gets herself together

'Ok next time we want to say a dirty joke wait until the other person is done eating or drinking' Claire says, Ava Chuckles

'Got it, I'm sorry' Ava says, she kisses her on the cheek

'Its fine, ok moving on from that comment which is a true by the way for the both of us' Claire says, Ava laughs

'That's true' Ava says, Claire starts laughing

'Oh god imagine what our kids well be like' Claire says

'I feel so bad for them already and we don't have them yet' Ava says

'Well at the beginning of our relationship you were the mature one but now you're turning into me now and Savannah' Claire says

'Oh god, Jesus take the wheel now' Ava says, she looks up at the sky

'I knew that getting married in a church was what you wanted to do, so I was thinking when we get back home we can do that or wait until we re-new our vows again' Claire says

'Lets hold off and wait until we re-new our vows again' Ava says

'Ok sounds good to me' Claire says

you see Ava does believe in god Claire did too until she went to camp that's when she stop believing but she does that there's something is up there, Ava doesn't push religion on her or anybody for that she accepts whatever people believes in

So they eat the rest of their sandwiches and then goes back to their hotel room

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