ch.26: atherosclerosis surgery! 😱

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Back at home Mona is in the kitchen with Spencer and Caleb while Hanna and Emily are sitting at the counter in front of them then Lucas, Alison, and Aria walks in

'I have been cooking throughout our whole marriage and neither one of us have died yet' Mona says, in front of the stove, Caleb chuckles

'Alright ok, I'll take your word for it' Caleb says

'Hey guys' Spencer says, everybody looks at them, they can tell something is wrong

'What's going on?' Hanna asks, Lucas and Alison looks at Aria

'I had a doctor's appointment today and they found a small blockage in my heart, they schedule me for a atherosclerosis bypass surgery later this week, they said we better do it now just in case it gets worse' Aria says

'Oh my god' Hanna says, Mona doesn't say anything and just walks out into the back yard

'What is the outcome?' Emily asks

'They said that over time my heart will improve and will go back to normal hopefully, I'm going to talk to Mona' Aria says, she leaves

'I'll look over the noodles' Spencer says

'I got the sauce' Caleb says


Aria walks outside and walks up to Mona

'Hey' Aria says, she sits down beside her

'The outcome of the surgery is good especially when they caught it in time like they did with mine, as time goes on so will my heart' Aria says

'I didn't leave because I didn't care, i left to process what you just told me, we almost lost each other many times before I'm not ready to say goodbye to you just yet' Mona says, Aria wipes Mona's tears away

'I know, i know Mi amor' Aria whispers, she kisses her on the lips and hugs her

'Did you tell your family?' Mona asks

'Yeah, i did and they are going to be here even Mike, your family, and the girls too, everybody is coming tomorrow even Savannah and Amanda' Aria says

'I know they deserve this vacation but family comes first' Mona says

'Agree, but on the bright side Savannah proposed to Amanda and she said yes, so we get to see the ring in person' Aria says

'That is true' Mona says

'Come on let's go inside and eat your amazing food' Aria says, Mona smiles

'Yeah, let's go' Mona says, Aria smiles and kisses her, they get up and heads back inside


'Hey everything ok?' Spencer asks

'Yeah, it is and it will be too' Mona says, she looks at Aria, Aria smiles and kisses her on the head

'Was this surgery a long time coming?' Emily asks

'Yeah, ever since I had that heart spasm a couple of years ago' Aria says

'Wait you had problems that long ago and its just now showing up?' Mona says

'That's a little weird' Caleb says

'I know they said the same thing but once I told them about me not doing book tours anymore and my stress has gone down a lot then it made sense' Aria says

'So who's all coming?' Hanna asks

'Everybody is even Mike, Amanda and Savannah' Aria says

'Well I can understand Amanda and Savannah they will drop anything if something happens to any one of us or Caitlin and them' Emily says

'But Mike though?' Hanna asks

'I know I was surprised too' Mona says

'I think after his divorce that he needs to be around family' Lucas says

'Yeah, just talking to him on the phone earlier you could tell that he was still hurting after these two years' Aria says

'I ran into Jasmine today actually, i was coming out of the police station and she was going in, we talk a little bit and you could tell that she still loves him' Alison says

'Do you thin that they can reconnect again?' Hanna asks

'It's hard to say any relationship, friendship or marriage is different from anybody else's' Caleb says

'Somebody asked me at one of my book signings five years ago 'you and your friends have been married between ten and fifteen years how Do you keep it alive keep it going?' Aria asks

'What did you say?' Spencer asks

'Communication, compromise, trust, respect, understanding and love' Aria says

'All key points to a happy marriage, friendship, relationship' Lucas says

'Looks like we are ready to eat' Mona says

'Awesome' Caleb says, everybody gets a plate of food


In the middle of the night Mona is sitting on the couch in the living room with Elvis Looking through their family alumb then Aria walks in

'Hey' Aria says, she yawns, Mona looks at her

'Hey' Mona says, she yawns too

'Why did you do that for?' Mona asks, in a joking way, Aria sits down

'Sorry, anyways why are you up for?' Aria asks

'Just looking at our family alumb' Mona says

'Oh my god remember what our first actual fight was about?' Aria asks, she starts laughing so does Mona

'I know, that was so stupid and random to fight about, oh and to top of off i started my period the next day, so I blame my hormones for that one' Mona says

'Ohhhhhh yeah that's right, remember when Claire had her first period?' Aria asks

'Yeah, she knew it going to happen one day and that day did finally came and she took it like a boss' Mona says

'Well she has your strength' Aria says, Mona smiles

'That she does but she has your compassion' Mona says, Aria smiles

'Savannah has your stubbornness' Aria says, Mona smiles

'Oh yeah!, but there's also that sweet side that comes out now and then she gets that from you' Mona says, Aria smiles and kisses her on the head, they look at the family alumb and then goes back to bed

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