ch.17: mass shooting! 😱

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Amanda and Savannah are having a date and they are at this restaurant

'Man I can't believe that your guys wedding is in five months' Ava says, Savannah smiles

'I know, I can't believe that I'm going to get married too' Savannah says

'Why is that?' Amanda asks

'I don't know if you remember this but way before we started dating in senior year of high school, like in freshman i always say I'm never going to get married and settled down then have kids I just wanted to go to college and party you know?' Savannah says

'Yeah we thought that we going to live it up in college' Amanda says

'I never thought that I would fall in love with my best friend in senior year of high school' Savannah says

'What about when you said that you fell in love with me that day when you through that dump truck in that boy's neck' Amanda says

'I think that's when I knew that you was going to be special to me in the future and you are special to me' Savannah says, Amanda smiles

'Like somebody who can tell all of your secrets too' Amanda says

'And who I can be myself around too' Savannah says

'Oh boy, you got that right' Amanda says, she chuckles

'Hey I'm not that bad, at least I don't walk around naked' Savannah says

'Not if it's not illegal, then again you do walk around naked in our dorm' Amanda says

'Only when I take a shower, at least can enjoy the view' Savannah says, Amanda looks at her

'Babe I see the view almost every night not when we're both on our periods' Amanda says, that hurts Savannah's feelings

'Babe I didn't mean like that, it was a joke, yes I do enjoy  the view whenever you take a shower, yes sex is the one of the most important things in a relationship besides communication and trust, but when i don't see you all day I can't wait to get back to the dorm and just be in your arms that's where I feel the most safest at, when we do have kids later on in the future we won't get those moments anymore, not much anyway' Amanda says, Savannah smiles and looks at her

'I didn't know that you felt the safest in my arms when we're cuddling but when you close your eyes and i can tell that you are peaceful and relax' Savannah says

'Thats because i think back to you always protecting me all of these years, you can be nice but mean when somebody crosses you, me, or anybody else that you love' Amanda says

'Are you calling me sweet and sour, like that candy sour patch kids' Savannah says, Amanda chuckles

'Basically that's good description to describe you perfectly' Amanda says, Savannah chuckles

'Yeah I guess so' Savannah says

'Are you going tease me about me enjoying the view and feel the safest in your arms' Amanda says

'No I'm not, because you don't tease me when i want to cuddle so why should I tease you about that, I don't think Thats fair, because I feel that should be private between us but me teasing the others that's hard to judge on because you don't know what to say that offend them' Savannah says

'Yeah I understand that, is that why you don't tease anybody that much anymore so that you won't hurt their feelings?' Amanda says

'Yeah, it is' Savannah says

'Now I just want to go back to the dorm and cuddle for a little bit because i feel like something bad is about to happen' Amanda says

'Well I'm done eating and I can see that you are too, I'll pay then we can we leave

'Ok' Amanda says, Savannah gets up and kisses her, then leaves to go pay the bill


They get back to their dorm and cuddles in their bed they are watching t.v. then 'BREAKING NEWS' comes across the screen, Savannah and Amanda sits up

'Good evening we come on the air during your normal programming to bring breaking news that there was a shooting at this pizza shop, what we know so far is that six people are dead and fifth-teen people are injured, if we anymore new information we will break in again to tell you guys what's going on, until then we will send back to your normal programming' the news woman says, Savannah mutes the t.v., they look at each other

'Oh my god' Savannah whispers

'That pizza shop was down the street from the restaurant  That we was at' Amanda says

'You did have that feeling that something bad was going to happen and unfortunately you was right' Savannah says

'I don't think that i can see into the future, but it's almost been a long time a mass shooting happened, it was just a matter of time when it happened like you said unfortunately I was right' Amanda says, Savannah scoots closer to her and hugs her

'Sava, Amanda!?' Ava screams

'In here Ava' Savannah says, Ava and Claire runs in

'Oh thank god, that you guys are ok' Ava says

'Physically yes, but not psychological' Savannah says

'What do you mean?' Claire asks, Savannah tells them

'Amanda it's not your fault, it's the person that did this fault, you just had a feeling that's all' Ava says

she sits down in front of her and Amanda looks at her she hugs her, Savannah and Claire hugs each other because for its scary that a mass shooting happened and you can died at any moment, they are holding onto to each other as much as possible


Later that night Amanda is sitting on the bed then Savannah walks in and sits down in front of her

'Hey, you ok?' Savannah asks

'I know that it's not my fault but half of me does think that' Amanda says

'I use to think like that when I started drinking and doing drugs because I thought that me and Isabella couldn't get along was because of me' Savannah says, Amanda looks at her

'But I realized that it wasn't my fault, it was Isabella's fault and now she's in prison for kidnapping and about five months I'll be marrying my best friend' Savannah says, Amanda smiles

'And she's not invited to the wedding, I'm here and she's there' Savannah says

'Maybe I'm just over thinking things' Amanda says

'Maybe?' Savannah asks

'Ok I am, geez you don't have to call me out like that when I'm down' Amanda says

'Oh please, you're not feeling down, I know when you're feeling down' Savannah says

'You do?' Amanda asks

'Yes I do pay attention' Savannah says, Amanda looks at her like seriously

'Ok some times i do' Savannah says, Amanda chuckles

'There you go' Amanda says

'Ok how come you can call me out on my bullshit but I can't call you out on yours' Savannah says

'Because you're more scared of me then I am with you' Amanda says

'Ok that's a good answer' Savannah says, Amanda chuckles

'Do you want to watch another movie or just cuddle?' Savannah asks

'Why not both' Amanda says, Savannah smiles

'Of course Mi amor, you pick the movie out, I'll get the snacks and drinks' Savannah says,

Amanda smiles and Savannah gets up she kisses Amanda on the forehead then leaves Amanda picks out the movie and Savannah comes back with the snacks and drinks they cuddle, watch the movie, eat and drink

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