ch.24: dancing with the devil 😈

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Then the lights dims and curtains opens they see Savannah sitting at this table with a wine glass in her holding it out then the music starts playing then Zach walks out and as he pours the wine into the glass then demi starts singing

It's just a little red wine, I'll be fine
Not like i wanna do this every night
I think I earned it, feels like it's worth it
In my mind, mind


Savannah brings the wine up to her mouth and is about to drink it but makes eye contact with Amanda then she puts it down on the table she looks to her left and sees a big picture of lsabella on this stand then demi starts singing


Twisted reality, hopeless insanity


Then she looks back at Amanda and them, then demi starts singing


I told you I was okay but i was lying


She looks back at the picture of lsabella, then demi starts singing


I was dancing with the devil, out of control


Then she looks over beside the picture of sherry in a hospital bed and gets up she walks up to her, then demi starts singing


Almost made it to heaven, it was closer then you know


Everybody starts crying after that line because it's true for Savannah because of her OD, Savannah looks at lsabella's picture, then demi starts singing


Playing with the enemy, gambling with my soul
It's so hard to say no, when you're dancing with the devil


Savannah walks up to the table and sits down now there's powered on the table into lines, tinfoil, and a glass pipe, when the lyrics gets to glass pipe she picks it up and looks at the white powered,  demi starts singing


It's just a little white line, I'll be fine
But soon that little white line is a little glass pipe


Savannah looks back Sherry who's supposed to Savannah in the hospital bed, then demi starts singing


Tinfoil remedy, almost got the best of me
I keep praying I don't reach the end of my lifetime


She looks at lsabella's picture, then demi starts singing


Twisted reality, hopeless insanity


She looks at Amanda and them they are crying, then demi starts singing


I told you I was okay but i was lying


She looks at lsabella, then demi starts singing


I was dancing with the devil, out of control


She looks at sherry, then demi starts singing


Almost made it to heaven, it was closer then you know


She looks at lsabella, then demi starts singing


Playing with the enemy, gambling with my soul
It's hard to say no, when you're dancing with the devil


Savannah looks at the 'drugs' and alcohol on the table, then demi starts singing


Thought I knew my limit, yeah
I thought that I could quit it, yeah
I thought that i could walk away easily


Savannah picks up the bible that's on the table and puts it up to her head, then demi starts singing


But here I am falling down on my knees
Praying for better days
To come and wash this pain away
Could you please forgive me?
Lord, I'm sorry for dancing with the devil  (high note on Lord and devil)


Then she puts the bible down and gets up, grabs the wine bottle she walks down the stairs and walks up to lsabella, sherry sits up and watches what next so does everybody else, then demi starts singing


Dancing with the devil, out of control
Almost made it to heaven, it was closer then you know
Playing with the enemy, gambling with my soul
It's so hard to say no, when you're dancing with the devil


Savannah pours the whole wine bottle on lsabella from head to toe, everybody in the whole room starts clapping and cheering, Savannah starts smiling

'We're even bitch' Savannah says, the wine still coming out of the bottle


After the performance Savannah is standing in front of the stage on her phone then Amanda and them walks up to her

'Hey, you' Amanda says, Savannah looks at her and smiles

'Hey' Savannah says, she kisses her

'What made you change your mind?' Mona asks

'I over heard what you and mom said about me pouring wine all over her after the performance, then the panic attack turned into anger and I could see was red' Savannah says

'What did you say to her at the end?' Jeremy asks

'I said, 'we're even bitch' Savannah says

'Do you feel though?' Amanda asks, Savannah looks at her

'Yeah, I do actually' Savannah says

'Well its getting late I think we all should get back to the dorms and hotel' aria says, they all agree Mona and aria says their goodbyes to them, everybody else goes back to their dorms


Savannah and Amanda walks in their bedroom

'I'm beat' Savannah says, she sits on her side of the bed and Amanda stands in between her legs and puts her arms around her neck

'Awe I was hoping we could celebrate because I am very proud of you' Amanda says, she smiles so does Savannah

'But if that performance tired you out, then we don't have to' Amanda says, Savannah chuckles

'Come here' Savannah says

Amanda leans down their lips meets they kiss deeply and passionately Amanda takes Savannah's jacket off and throws it somewhere she puts her hands on the sides of her neck and Savannah puts her hands on her lips Amanda sits down on Savannah's lap both legs on each side and Savannah starts kissing her neck she unzips Amanda's dress Amanda gets up Savannah lays back onto her left elbow and watches Amanda takes off her dress and climbs on top of her and starts kissing her then it starts to get heavy Savannah unbottons her pants and Amanda helps her the rest of the way Amanda starts kissing her neck and she unhooks her bra and takes it off she kisses down in between her breasts down to Savannah's underwear

You know the rest of it

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