ch. 15: summer time pt.3 (August)

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At Hailey's and Brittany's apartment

Hailey is sitting on the couch thinking about the night the night that she told Brittany that she had feelings for her and she's smiling about remember that memory Brittany stands in the doorway looking at her and Hailey doesn't see her because daydreaming about that memory

'Hey what's got you smiling for?' Brittany asks, she walks up to Hailey, Hailey looks at her

'Oh I was just thinking back to the night that I told you that I had feelings for you' Hailey says, Brittany sits down beside her, close to her, facing her

'Oh, you're not having second thoughts are you?" Brittany asks, Hailey chuckles

'No, not in a million years' Hailey says, Brittany smiles

'Good because you're stuck with me until death does us part or some shit like that' Brittany says, Hailey chuckles

'What's got you thinking about that night?' Brittany asks

'I know that we have been together for four years but still feels like a fairytale and I'm going to wake up one day and we won't be together' Hailey says

'I know how you're feeling, sometimes I feel like that it's a fairytale too, but that just reminds us that how much grateful we are to have each other' Brittany says

'I agree to that' Hailey says, she wipes her tears away

'Aw babe' Brittany says, she hugs her

Brittany didn't realize how much she changed Hailey's life for the better until now because Hailey had relationships before her but they didn't end good until she came into the picture

'I think that we was meant to be together, we just didn't know how to get to each other until one of us realized it' Brittany says, Hailey puts her head on Brittany's shoulder

'I'm sorry that I'm so emotional I guess it's my PMS time' Hailey says, Brittany chuckles

'Don't apologize for being emotional, perfectly healthy to be emotional' Brittany says, she kisses her on the head

'I can't believe that all of us are out of college and about to go into the real world' Hailey says

'Once we all have kids, then they would have to go into the real world and so on' Brittany says

'I just hope that our kids have a normal life instead of what Claire, Ava, Caitlin, Dylan and Addison went through in high school with the whole Jeremy and the other Andrew situation' Hailey says

'We all hope that, come on let's start dinner' Brittany says

'Yeah let's do that' Hailey says, they get up and goes into the kitchen

Brittany wants Hailey to relax and don't worry about the future yet


At Claire's and Ava's studio apartment

It's the original five Claire, Ava, Caitlin, Addison and Dylan sitting at the kitchen table drinking and talking about the memories over the years

'Hailey said this to Brittany awhile ago and I do agree with her, after everything that we went through over the years especially in high school, Hailey said that she hopes that our future kids have a normal high school life and possibly college life if they want to, I added that part but I do agree with her on that because none of us want that for them, they are kids let have a normal life as much as possible' Claire says, everybody agrees to that

'It's so crazy that we all made it through those two last years of high school' Ava says

'Luckily you guys had me to help out' Addison says, they laugh

'She's right though, without Addison's help we wouldn't figure out that whole Jeremy and Andrew situation' Caitlin says

'After this month we have to be real adults' Dylan says

'Well with all us here and Savannah, Amanda, Hailey, Brittany and Andrew we can can get through whatever life throws at us together like always' Claire says

'A cheers to That' Dylan says, they knocked the beer bottles together

'Next month we all officially start our new lives and let's see what the future holds for all us' Ava says

'Another cheers to That' Addison says, they knocked the beer bottles together

They stay at their studio apartment for a little bit longer until Savannah and Amanda picks up Caitlin and Addison, and Andrew picks up Dylan


Everybody hangs out together throughout the rest of the summer and with family too until September starts and that's when life really begins for everybody


A/n see you guys in the next book and final book of this series ✌ 📖

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