ch. 6: taking things seriously

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A couple of days later in Ava's and Claire's dorm Ava is sitting on the couch highlighting some things on a piece of paper then Amanda walks in

'Honey I'm home' Amanda says, she starts laughing, Ava puts her hands over her head

'Oh my god, I'm going to kill my wife' Ava says, Amanda walks up to her

'Ok, ok, I'm only going to tease you just this once, and not like that either' Amanda says, Ava looks at her

'For some reason I don't believe you' Ava says

'Trust me it is, anyways I came over here to see how you're doing mental after that dream because I know that it's scary and weird to have a dream like that about one of friends like that, it's scary because you think you're cheating on your partner in a way but you're not really, it's weird because you should be dreaming about you and your partner having sex not with another person' Amanda says

'So you're ok with the sex dream that I had about you?' Ava asks

'I see no problem with it, I know that it won't happen for real because you're faithful to Claire and I'm faithful to Savannah, if it makes you feel any better I had sex dreams about everybody in our friend group yes even your wife which is a little creepy I know but it just turn out to be me wanting attention from Sava, maybe that's what you're dream is trying to tell you too' Amanda says, Ava smiles

'Thank you for understanding and being really cool about it' Ava says, Amanda smiles

'Of course' Amanda says

'How did find out that about the dream?' Ava asks

'Well you know sisters when they get together they like to gossip, I overheard them talking and don't worry when I get back I'll tell Sava not to tease you about it either, she'll listen to me if one she wants sex from for the rest of our lives and two she knows better then to not get on my bad side especially when I'm mad, if you overheard her saying something to somebody else about it that hurts your feelings just tell me and I'll handle it' Amanda says, Ava smiles

'You don't take her bullshit, you call her out on it, don't you?' Ava asks, Amanda chuckles

'Well when I tell her to not do something and give her this look, she won't do it, it may look like I wear the pants in the relationship but it goes both ways I'm not afraid to call her out on bullshit and she's not afraid to call me out on mine either' Amanda says

'Damn I need to learn how to get a backbone towards Claire' Ava says, Amanda chuckles

'I can help you if you want me too?' Amanda asks, Ava smiles

'I would that, thank you' Ava says, Amanda smiles

'You're welcome, any time' Amanda says, then Claire and Savannah walks in

'Hello ladies, hopefully you guys wasn't making out while we was gone' Savannah teases Ava

Ava looks sad and just looks at the floor, Amanda hits her gently on the leg and Ava looks at her Amanda winks at her like watch and learn Amanda turns to face her

'Hey, um babe can you not tease Ava anymore about the dream please if you know what's good for you' Amanda says, she gives her that look like if you don't there will be hell to pay

'Yeah, no problem' Savannah says, Amanda turns back to Ava and winks at her again like nailed it, Ava smiles

'This dream has you really missed up?' Savannah asks

she walks up to them she moves Ava's papers out of the way in a neat pile and sits down on the table in front of Ava Amanda smiles because now Savannah is serious and wants to get to the bottom of it Claire stands behind Ava waiting for what her sister has to say

'probably like Amanda has already told you before we got here, we as us humans have sex dreams about other people because we want attention from our partners, it might be sexual attention we want, maybe affection attention like cuddling, spending time together alone like going on dates, walks or whatever it may be, without going into a lot of details about your guys sex lives, but when was the last time that you guys had sex?' Savannah asks

A couple of days ago before I got my period but i agree with you on the affection attention I have noticed that we have spending less time together' Claire says, she walks up to Ava and sits down beside her

'Come on babe, our work here is done' Amanda says, they get up

'Thanks for help guys' Ava says, Amanda and Savannah smiles

'Any time' Savannah says, they leave, Claire and Ava talks about how they can spend some more time together


Savannah and Amanda gets back to their dorm they sit down on the couch face to face

'How was your guys talk?' Savannah asks

'It was good actually, I only tease her once and no not in a sexual way, I said when I walked in honey I'm home' Amanda says, they laugh

'I'm just glad that Ava doesn't have to worry about rather or not I'm uncomfortable or weirded out by it because I'm not, there's nothing that you can do about it really' Amanda says

'Right, I'm not saying this to make fun of Ava or the situation but let's say me and Claire wasn't part of this century, would you date Ava?' Savannah asks

'Um probably not, here's why because I think that our personalities are too much of the same, we're both sweet, kind, bold, passionate, and etc, I would feel like we would clash more then love' Amanda says

'Mmmm, I do see that' Savannah says

'Now I feel bad because she hears about this she would probably thinks it's because of the dream which it's not the case' Amanda says

'Don't be because Claire asked Ava the same thing about your guys personalities' Savannah says

'Two minds thinks alike' Amanda says

'Yup' Savannah says

Amanda lays down and puts her head on Savannah's lap and Savannah smiles then leans down and kisses her Amanda smiles

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